Do You Want to Lift Weights Like Elite Runners?

Jason Fitzgerald – Strength Running

Jason Fitzgerald
USATF-Certified coach & 2:39 marathoner

We'll teach you how to build Power, Coordination, and Speed

Get our free email course to learn:

  • Why you should never, ever lift weights for endurance (you get enough of that with your run training!)
  • How the right strength work prevents running injuries
  • Which exercises train POWER that translates to speed
  • How to improve the “force production” of every stride you take
  • How to lift for explosivity (in just two workouts per week)
  • Why “lift heavy” is good advice (but incomplete)

"“I don’t just feel better; I feel transformed – like a brand new runner. I’ve never run like this – with strength and without aches and pains. I’m excited to run and discover what improvements I can make.” - Rebecca

© Strength Running, LLC