Advanced Training for Advanced Runners

Introducing new, complex training plans for fast, complex runners

Hi, I’m Jason Fitzgerald. Since 2010, I’ve been helping runners race faster.

In fact, I’ve written over 2,000 training plans since then!
And today I want to help you have the best season of your life with more strategic training, better structured workouts, and higher-quality long runs.
You’re already a fast runner. Now it’s time to train like it.

Why Don't Most Training Plans Work For You?

If you’ve ever downloaded a free training plan online, you already know that they’re not right for more advanced runners.

The workouts? Too basic.
The mileage? Too low.
The difficulty? Too easy.
The result? A mediocre season that leaves you thinking, “I *know* I can do better!
And you know what? I think you can do better, too.

You Must Take the “Next Logical Step”

There’s a popular concept in running called “the next logical step” that says to keep improving, your training must continue to take the next logical step.

After all, you can’t keep running faster race times if your training doesn’t elicit the adaptations that make faster running possible.
Now, the next logical step might mean different things to different runners:

As you can see, there are quite a few options for you to consider!

But you can’t improve everything in every training cycle – that’s a recipe for burning out or chronic injuries.
Instead, a strategic application of the right new stressors will make you a stronger, faster runner.
That’s why for every custom training program I write, I review a detailed Runner Questionnaire with 20+ questions about your background, running history, strengths and weaknesses, goals, fitness level, and a lot more.
Once I know you as a runner, I can plan your next PR-worthy season!

Is This Training Right For You?

I want to be upfront: this type of training plan is probably not right for you.

Only a small fraction of runners are ready for this level of complexity, so we have personal best time requirements:

I don’t want to give you too much mileage, too many speed workouts, or more advanced training strategies that you can’t physically handle. 

That’s a recipe for injuries – and we know how adamant I am about staying healthy!
But if you have even one *recent* Personal Best time that meets the above requirements, then you’re ready to take the next logical step.
You’re ready for an advanced, complex training plan.
If not, no big deal! A PR Race Plan is a much better option for you.

What's Included in an Advanced Plan?

Every athlete who invests in an advanced training plan will get:

Perhaps most importantly, you’ll rest easy knowing you’re taking the right next steps with your running – and training as best as you possibly can.
For those runners interested in seeing just what their potential can be, this is a unique opportunity to find out. 

About Jason Fitzgerald

Jason Fitzgerald is a USA Track & Field certified coach and the founder of Strength Running – an award-winning blog with hundreds of thousands of monthly readers.
A collegiate runner at Connecticut College, he finished Top 10 in the 2006 New England 3,000m Steeplechase final and was a member of the 2002 National Championship-qualifying cross country team.
A 2:39 marathoner, he won the 2011 Morraine Hills Half Marathon, the 2012 Maryland Warrior Dash obstacle race, and the 2013 Potomac River Run Marathon.
Jason is Men’s Running Magazine’s 2017 Influencer of the Year, a member of Greatist’s Expert Network, and has been published in Runner’s World, Business Insider, Forbes, Health Magazine, The Washington Post, Competitor Magazine, The Huffington Post, and many other major media.
More importantly, he has helped tens of thousands of runners just like you get stronger, prevent more injuries, and race faster.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why are the training plans limited to 12 weeks in length?

Our advanced training plans are capped at 12 weeks for two important reasons.
First, advanced runners don’t need 16+ week training plans because they are already in good shape. There’s less time spent “building fitness.”
If you’re asking yourself, “How am I supposed to get ready for my race in only 12 weeks?” then a PR Race Plan is a better option for you.
Second, because advanced training plans are more complex. A 16+ week plan would be unwieldy with the amount of information included. While these plans are shorter, they include more detail.

How long does it take for me to get my training plan?

It takes about 5 business days for me to review your Runner Questionnaire and write your program. Sometimes it’s 1-2 days earlier or later depending on the queue, complexity of your plan, and other factors so I appreciate your patience!

I’m rebuilding my fitness after an injury; is it too soon for this type of plan?

It sure is! Advanced plans are only for healthy runners.

In the meantime, I highly recommend our most popular program Injury Prevention for Runners to help you get back on track and stay healthy (for longer).

What will we talk about during our coaching call?

First, we’ll make sure you know how to execute the training included in your plan.

I want to ensure you understand every workout, pace suggestion, and type of run included so there’s no confusion when it’s time to put in the work.
Second, we’ll discuss the high level goals of the training plan and workouts so you know why you’re doing what you’re doing.
Third, we’ll talk about your long-term goals. What do you *really* want to do with your running? How can I help you get there? What should you do after this training plan? How close are you to these long-term goals? We’ll cover it all.
Finally, you can ask any questions you’d like about the plan, your running, goals, or anything else. 
This is your opportunity to pick my brain and I welcome the tough questions!

Can I include tune-up or “B” races in my plan before my final goal race?

Absolutely! In fact, I encourage it.

Tune-up races are less important races that are scheduled before your primary, goal, or “A” race. Here are my recommendations:

Please be sure to have all the dates and distances of your races lined up so I know how to structure your training plan with all races included!

What Do Other Runners Think?

“The Chicago Marathon was the race of my dreams. Following your plan was a big change from running my previous two marathons with the “Run Less, Run Faster” training approach. I grew confident as race day drew near having so much practice finishing long runs at marathon pace.
“On race day, I felt strong from start to finish. I managed to run splits so even that my first and second halves differed by only 40 seconds. It was amazing to experience that, when done right, a marathon can be fun the whole time. I crossed the finish line in 3:25:10, a PR by 7:23. Boston 2018, here I come! Thank you so much.” – Christine (“Bean”)
“Your plan was just brilliant. When I first looked at it I thought there was no way I could run the hardest workouts but it was structured so well. This was the first time I’ve ever approached race day completely healthy and injury-free and feeling as prepared as I could possibly be and I put that down entirely to your plan.
“I ran a good time in the race, 1:41:21, on a reasonably hilly course and was absolutely delighted with my time. Many thanks and I will be in touch soon for my next plan!” – Charlotte
“I got a custom plan and then ran an awesome half-marathon. I went out faster than planned (5:50 pace) but then settled into a nice rhythm on the hills and flats by averaging 6:04 mile pace. I ended up winning the race and setting a course record in 1:19:20. Excellent confidence booster and makes me pretty happy about where my fitness it at this point, thanks!” – Eric

Another PR and a BQ (by almost 15 minutes)!

“Hey Jason!!! Just reaching out to let you know that I PR’d in Philly yesterday using your training plan! SOOOO EXCITED!! My previous PR was from Boston with a 3:43 and I went on to run Philly at 3:40.53!
Another PR and a BQ (by almost 15 minutes)! I trusted my training and my race day plan was just about perfectly executed! Thank you again!” – Lisa

Get An Advanced Training Plan:

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P.S. Need help figuring out if this is right for you? Click here to send Jason a question!