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1-on-1 Injury Prevention Coaching

A one-time-only coaching program that will help you prevent injuries, develop runner-specific strength, stay healthy long-term, and transform your training

This is the first program of its kind: the most comprehensive, step-by-step, personalized system to help you stay healthy and prevent running injuries.

Over the last week, more than 100 runners asked to be part of this type of specialized coaching. I can’t coach 100+ athletes and this won’t be for everyone – but for a select few of you, it might be the most valuable experience in your running career.

This is what 1-on-1 Injury Prevention Coaching includes:

A proven system to prevent running injuries that’s customized directly for you. Instead of general tips like (“follow the 10% rule!” or “speed workouts can leave you injured!”) you’ll get proven training strategies, principles, and actionable running techniques that show you how to finally run injury-free without the constant aches and pains. 1-on-1 Injury Prevention Coaching will show you how to 1) run workouts that are goal-specific and appropriate for your fitness level 2) build your mileage safely 3) get strong with new, proven strength routines so you can leave injuries behind and start chasing your real goals.

Unlimited, personal email access to me. Send me your specific training and injury questions and get a direct response from me in less than 24 hours. Not sure if you should modify your training schedule if you missed a day? Unclear if that sore muscle is a real injury? Wondering how soon you can get back to running? I provide 1-on-1 coaching support within 24 hours. I rarely do private consulting and when I do, my hourly rate is $150. There is currently no way to get direct email access to me as my Full Coaching program is closed (and has been closed for months – I don’t know when I’ll reopen it).

Personal Coaching Consultation with me on your training. First, we start with an extensive overview of your running to go over your current training, injuries, running history, goals, and what you can do today to run easier. I’ll be blunt and show you what you’re doing right and what you’re doing wrong – no BS. Are your workouts appropriate? Is your weekly schedule predisposing you to injuries? Could one simple tweak to your running dramatically improve the quality of your training? You’ll get your current training reviewed and a training plan for what to improve and HOW to improve it, in addition to never-before-seen strength routines that highlight the latest in injury prevention science that are tailored to your running level.

Step-by-step coaching guidance from a USATF-certified coach. Not only am I a certified coach, but I have the unique experience of learning from over 10 coaches myself in the last 15+ years of competitive running. I’m a 2:39:32 marathoner and have helped thousands of runners from every imaginable background and talent level reach their goals and run healthy. Instead of someone who hasn’t coached in years – or who’s never had a coach personally – you’ll learn from someone who’s “in the trenches” and has methodically built a step-by-step system to prevent injuries and hasn’t had a running injury in over four years (while running more than ever). You’ll be able to tap into this experience and perspective on running to help you save time by avoiding common mistakes. If you have a question about anything, just ask me. I’ll give you my honest feedback, helping you leap over self-imposed obstacles that prevent consistent progress.

Group learning – what are other members like you struggling with? How did they overcome their barriers? What works and what doesn’t? I’ll share the questions that other members have and my answers so you can learn from everyone instantly. You’ll learn from the entire group so you can minimize your mistakes and improve more than you could if you were alone.

Unprecedented access to the top running experts. In addition to our 1-on-1 coaching relationship, you’ll be able to ask your toughest question to five running experts who know how to run healthy for life. For the first five weeks of the program, I’ll be interviewing an expert every week, asking your questions. Ask anything you want, like how do you know when you’re really injured? What types of strength exercises should runners do? How should those programs be scheduled? How do you plan a complete training program? All questions will be answered – something that’s never before been available. These will not be available to the public. Experts include:

Brad Hudson is an elite coach to National Champions and Olympians like Dathan Ritzenhein and Tera Moody. He is the author of the book Run Faster from the 5k to the Marathon and coach of the Marathon Performance Training Group.

Alex Hutchinson, PhD is a columnist for Runner’s World and The Globe and Mail. He is also the author of the book Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? 

Matt Fitzgerald is arguably the endurance world’s most prolific author, with over 15 books including Brain Training for RunnersRacing Weight, and Run: The Mind-Body Method of Running by Feel. He is also a Senior Editor for Competitor Magazine.

Greg Lehman is a physiotherapist, chiropractor, and exercise biomechanics expert with over 15 years of clinical experience. He is also a former professor at St. Lawrence University with over 20 published papers that won him “Researcher of the Year” by the Ontario Chiropractic Association.

Peter Larson, PhD is a former anatomy professor and author of the book Tread Lightly: Form, Footwear, and the Quest for Injury-Free Running. He now works as a running coach and exercise physiologist while writing the popular Runblogger website.

The ability to transform your training. Why do some runners never get hurt? How can they run long and do fast workouts – week after week – without injury? What do they know that you don’t? We’re going to dive deep into the subtle and often profound differences that help some people run uninterrupted for years. Stop wonder what works and what doesn’t – you’ll know how to run healthy as I help you transform your program with instant accountability, action steps, and my personal involvement in your training. This is an opportunity to finally take control of your running that I’ll never offer again.

Custom, personalized training plan for your future goals. Once you’ve gone through this program – and have the tools to succeed – I’ll put them in motion for you with an updated custom training plan tailored to your individual strengths, weaknesses, goals, and injury profile. I’ll make sure you don’t have any last-minute problems, answer your questions, and go over your personal training program. With a ruthless focus on injury prevention, I’ll focus on getting you to your goal healthier than ever before.

Free, complimentary access to my upcoming Injury Prevention course (available early 2014).

Here’s how the program will work:

1) It starts 9/16 and will cover 6 intensive weeks of coaching. We start with a questionnaire and review your running background, injury profile, goals, and current training so I can understand more about your personal history. You’ll get a custom training plan within 1-2 days.

2) For the first 5 weeks, I’ll send you a week’s work of exclusive running lessons every week that cover everything from form and “cues” to help you run more efficiently, the best strength exercises for runners (including new, never-before-seen routines in high-quality video), detailed advice on how to plan your workouts, member questions and answers, and how to recover quickly from hard runs.

3) You’ll submit your top question for the Expert Interview series and gain exclusive access to a recording of the interview, with your specific question answered. There’s currently no way to gain access to these experts for personal Q&A and coaching.

4) During the entire 6 weeks of the program, you have unlimited, direct access to me for questions, advice, and support. I’m your resource so take advantage of it. There’s currently no other way to get this level of support from me.

5) Each week you’ll summarize your training and submit your questions about the week’s lessons and interview so I can make sure you’re on track and all your questions are answered.

6) During the last week of IP Coaching, you’ll provide an updated review of your running history so I can write your personalized training plan that puts everything into practice. Once you receive your training plan, we can discuss the plan, your goals, and go over any last minute questions.

This program is the most intensive, personal level of coaching I’ve ever offered before. I’ll probably never do it again because of the amount of attention I’ll give to my athletes and the time it will take me to coach each of you.

My goal is to help you run pain free, without injuries, and radically transform the way you run for the rest of your life.

If you think this can help your running, then I  want to invite you to apply for the program.

How to Apply

The cost of the six week, 1-on-1 Injury Prevention Coaching program is $495.

Personal coaching is very time intensive – and I devote an enormous amount of time communicating with my runners – so I’m limiting the number of athletes in this program to only 15. For the few of you in the program, I’ll be doing everything I can to radically change your running for the rest of your life.

If I’m going to be 100% committed to you, I expect you to be 100% committed to this program. So for the runners who want to join, you can pay here and I’ll forward you the application [Note: this program is now closed.]

If I can’t accept you, I’ll refund your money immediately. This is like applying to college “Early Decision” – if you get in, you’re required to attend.

The application window will be open until next Friday, September 13th. I’m looking for runners who need help the most and are passionate about running – that’s all.

What do my current 1-on-1 Runners think?

I’ll leave you with direct feedback from runners currently enrolled in my 1-on-1 coaching program:

“The running that I do now far surpasses what I was doing at the same time last year. I feel stronger and I know that I am a better athlete because of the training plan and because of the consistent build towards my goal.

I have more running confidence – I don’t worry about not being able to complete a workout because I am tired, I am energized by the challenge so it is a lot more FUN. I really feel like I’ll be able to max my goal because of the work that I am doing now. That is really exciting.” – Charis

“I am running 40-60 second faster miles since starting to work with you. I am currently at about the max distance that I’ve ever been at, but unlike other times, I’m currently confient that I can run farther with continued training. I also feel more comfortable running now; not that it isn’t hard on many days, but generally those are explained (evil humidity, stupid late night of Sex and the City DVDs — both issues this morning) and the good runs are becoming more of the norm.

I also have minimal pain — tired, sore legs, yes (but that doesn’t count, it’s expected), but my knee pain is pretty much absent at this point and I am feeling good after more and more runs.” – Allison

“I have had nagging hamstring issues in the past. Those nagging issues have been minimized since starting to work with Jason. And I’ve got a PR for every single race (3 marathons, a couple of half marathons, and a number of 5K and 10K) that I have run since I started using Jason’s plans (first a PR Race plan, and then one on one coaching). I’ve shaved 30 minutes off of my marathon PR and am now within seconds of BQ.” – Mark

“I have been working with you for about 7 months now, and in those 7 months have not had a single injury. I’m able to maintain over 40 mpw and seem to recover a lot better. I never feel completely beat up like I used to after long runs or high mileage weeks.” – Nicole

“I used to often have trouble with my knees, which I believe was a result of a weak ITB. I also often experienced calf strains. Since being coached by Jason I have become a more well-rounded runner. Previously, running was just running to me, but now my running has definitely matured.” – Premshree

I have a lot more endurance, a little more speed, and a ton more knowledge. But mainly, I don’t feel like I’m going to break any minute. I almost never feel injury-prone; it’s all helped tremendously. You are more than worth your going rate and I think more like $250/mo.” – Deb

“As far as I am concerned, your rates are a bargain.  When I think about what I have gotten I can honestly say that it is by far, the best investment and biggest return on that investment that I have ever made for myself.  It is truly hard for me to sometimes process what I have been able to accomplish in this year and ½.  No way I would even be remotely close to this without you.” – Marcie

[Note: this program is now closed.]