Injury Prevention for Runners

Unedited results from runners who followed SR's injury prevention programs

Injury_ITBS Testimonial

“I‘ve been following the plans and workouts in Injury Prevention for Runners and honestly, I’m blown away at how effective they have been for treating all previous issues with ITB and lower limb pain (Thank you!!).” – Taylor

“Today, I ran without hurting anywhere! I honestly thought that was just impossible for me at this point. I’m implementing all the advice from your treatment plan and I’m feeling optimistic. Just to let you know that you have the complete faith of a gal from France! Without your treatment protocol, I would simply not feel confident that I can run again.” – Margo

“I have been following your injury treatment protocol for a week and a half now. I have issues with IT band and bursitis. I did my first 3 slow miles today and had no problem with the IT band and just a slight sensitivity related to bursitis.  But I no longer feel pain.

Huge improvement! THANK YOU! I have hope I can resume my running eventually. Your routine is definitely better than the one I received from physical therapy.” – Galina

“I wanted to share some exciting news and it’s thanks to your program.  Today I finished my first half marathon. I finished feeling strong and not once during the entire race did I ever feel like I was not going to be able to do it.  I am 44 years old, a relatively new runner with only one 5k to my credit, and had knee reconstruction within the past 4 years.  No matter what program I used before, I always ended up with a pulled calf muscle, IT band soreness, or just unable to see noticeable gains. Your program changed that for me, and I wanted to take a moment to thank you.

Although at the start of the race, the director announced that no one should expect to PR with the weather, I can say I did. Thank you for putting years of your experience together in such an easy to follow format and making it available to anyone who has the desire to run.” – Karen

“I’m only two months into my Injury Prevention for Runners adventure and I feel that I have benefitted immensely. Like many before me, did too much, too soon and too fast and found myself back on the coach with tenosynovitis in my left shin/ankle. That is when I discovered Strength Running.

You’ll be happy to know that every exercise I paid my chiro and physio for are exercises that I got with your program. I have been training and very slowly building myself back up to being able to train for a race. I am stronger and fitter than I have been in years and cannot wait to be let loose once I am fully recovered.” – Dave

“So far I’m loving it. The warm-up routines are fantastic, so much better than everything I’ve been doing forever.

I have been dealing with Tendonitis in my left achilles, runners knee and turf toe on my right for 4 or 5 months now. Since starting Injury Prevention for Runners, my runners knee has gotten so much better, and the others are noticeably improved. I couldn’t do a squat or lunge when I started without surging pain, and now it’s gone. Thank you. I’m excited for my first marathon at age 42, but I’m more excited to run my 2nd after using your training plan along the way.” – Dan

“I bought the Injury Prevention program. It was a bit more money than I had, so I saved up for it for my half-marathon training. Boy was it worth it!! I came through a full training with zero injuries and felt even stronger. It felt so good!

I also had a clear understanding of what to do when injuries crept in. Had a few small signs as I increased mileage, but they never lasted more than a day because I knew what to do. I enjoyed the quality so much that I am now doing the High Performance Lifting program for my next marathon! Thank you so much!” – Kirsten

“I wanted to say a big thank you because following my injury, I’ve been using your injury prevention program and just raced a 10K with a PR! 41:31, fun to win the overall and also finish my last mile at 6:23. I look forward to many of your training plans in the future! You can add in the challenges of being a mama to twins… Many a running mother can relate! Thank you so much.” – Jessica

I write to thank you for your program. At 53, I ran my first half marathon but ran the last couple of miles on a sprained ankle. Since then I have stopped and started running several times, always having to deal with some soft tissue injury.  Since applying the lessons and exercises in Injury Prevention for Runners, I have begun to solve the injury bug.

Since following your methods, I am now running injury free with volume of around 50 miles/week with long runs in the 16 mile range. My pace is now slowly increasing.  I know that as long as I stay patient and take the time to work on strength, I will be able to progress toward my goal of running my first marathon at age 60 (with a goal of a sub 4 hour time). Thanks again.” – Charles

I was never more than 3-4 mile runner every other day. Due to occasional groin/hamstring injuries, I ended up taking 3 years off. I finally went back to running but developed an ITB injury followed by runner’s knee

With the help of this program, in late February/early March, I began my training with a run/walk for a mere 1 mile at a 12:00 min/mile pace. This past Memorial Day weekend, I just finished the Chicago’s Soldier Field 10-mile race in 1 hour and 45 minutes – my longest run ever – remaining injury and pain free throughout training and the race! I bounded across the finish line with my arms in the air and felt like I had not only accomplished an incredible goal of mine but realized that within only a few months, this program had helped me go from not being able to run to running 10 miles in 80 degree weather nonetheless!!

Thank you, Jason, for developing this program and for providing support for your runners. Your emails are inspirational and your podcasts carry me through my long runs. I never expected to run double digit miles in my lifetime, but with your program, I actually was able to do it. Thank you!!” – Tamanna

“I am a 67 year old male who started running 2 years ago. After purchasing Injury Prevention for Runners I ran my third half marathon in mid-November and I remained injury free up to and during the run. I completed the race at 2:32:23 which is 6:13 faster than my previous best time and I did it with a significant negative split. Injury Prevention for Runners has made the difference and allowed me to train injury free. I continue to follow your program and look forward to my next half marathon in mid-January and hopefully another PR.” – Bruce

Quick testimonial. I’m a 52 year old male. Developed calf strains in my 30’s which limited my running and eventually ended my ability to run at all. Quit trying to run at age 40, tired and defeated from not finding an answer to my calf issues. I have been searching for answers all this time, because I never got over my love for running. 

Decided to try your program but honestly was very skeptical because everything I tried over the years didn’t help.  After just three weeks, I’m amazed and very happy with the results. The tension on my calves is not there any more.  I am taking it easy, but I have already run farther and faster than I ever thought I would.” – Dave

Hi Jason, only 2 months ago I could not run 2k.  Bad episode of acute ITBS that has been with me for as long as I can remember. This weekend I ran 18k in a balmy 0 degrees without any issues. Injury Prevention for Runners made it possible. Thanks to you I’m back on track for my Boston Marathon 2018!” – Remko

Wanted to let you know that I ran the Brooklyn Half. This was my first half and I finished in 1:56:17 which was what I was shooting for, a sub-2 hour time!  I felt great the whole race and even though the last two miles were tough they were my fastest – I felt so good I ran a few miles the next day! 

I wouldn’t have been able to do it without Injury Prevention for Runners and the detailed training programs you created.” – Chris

“I’ve been using Injury Prevention for Runners consistently for over a year and have seen great success. I use to deal with shin splints, IT band pain and many other injuries. That is no longer the case.

This past Oct. I ran a 7 min mile, a minute faster then my previous PR. I’ve PRed my 5k and 10k multiple times over the last few months, My long runs are 9+ miles when the use to be 4-6. My average pace use to be 9:00 – 9:30 min miles and now it’s 8:00 – 8:30 with some runs averageing sub 8s.

Thanks again! Looking forward to more Injury free PRs over the coming years.” – Dan

I was at the end of my rope after suffering from ongoing ITBS, runner’s knee, hip pain, ankle pain… I love running but I couldn’t do more with risking more injury.

Then I purchased the program and OMG – the injuries have stopped. Even though it’s been almost 4 months now, I’m almost afraid to say it out loud. I simply expect to have knee pain all of time. But I don’t.

Get this! I’m am now running 30-35 miles per week and training for a marathon. And I’m not only running more miles and longer distances, I’m actually running faster. I ran 16 miles on Sunday in 2:16:21 – or 8:31/mi pace. Just five months ago I was running 5 miles at a 9:30/mi pace. Unbelievable. Thanks so much. I look forward to doing more with you in the coming year.” – Tim

“I just ran injury free at the HURT 100. I’ve been dealing with a “hip-knee-butt” thing for the past 4-5 years, and this is the first time in a long time that I wasn’t impeded by stiffness and pain; I had “lift” in my hips and never needed to swing out from the knee to overcompensate. I feel the healthiest I have in a long time. Thank you!” – Shawn

“Last year I reached out to you because I had runner’s knee and am a full time dance teacher and couldn’t figure out how to get the 2 to work together. A PT told me I would probably never run long distances again. Well, last weekend I ran a half marathon AND shaved 14:05 off my time to finish at 2:14:58. So – thank you!!” – Sarah

“I just wanted to write to say thank you. I purchased Injury Prevention for Runners just over a month ago and have found the strength exercises particularly helpful and have also been using the 10km intermediate plan to help build up my mileage. I still get the occasional aches and pains but the program has provided a real breakthrough for me and I’m very grateful!” – Emily

“I wanted to say a massive thank you for creating the Injury Prevention for Runners program! I was thoroughly frustrated with my ITB pain. Having been off running for 7 weeks, I am now back into a modified training program and running pain free! I have recommended the program to so many friends. I will never look back.

I cannot thank you enough for all of the hard work you have put in to creating a program that really works!” – Henrietta

Injury Prevention for Runners turned out to be a success for me. I finished Boston in 4:49; my second fastest in five years and the first year I didn’t need one physical therapy appointment, one chiropractic treatment, one active release therapy, and it’s the first year I didn’t receive a Cortisone shot. I did better than most people on my team with no injuries.” – Robert

“I completed a very hilly 13.1 course today with decent elevation too! I bought Injury Prevention for Runners after dealing with ITBS all the time. My chip time today was 1:43 which is a PR (considering the terrain I’ll take it). Last week I did a 10k in 42 minutes…best part is zero ITBS.  I just wanted to say thanks from a 39 year old military Veteran.” – Alan

“I wanted to write you a quick thank you for all your advice. I purchased Injury Prevention for Runners I’ve applied much of it to my own training and had great success including my fastest 5k in 10 years and going an entire year injury free.

This past weekend, I continued to build on that fantastic base and won my first ever race. I set a 10k PR in the process, and while my time wasn’t anything to write home about (38:29), it was enough to beat out roughly 400 other racers on Saturday. I’m excited to keep it going in 2016 and hope to shatter a few more PRs!” – Alex

First Place

“Just wanted to THANK YOU for an amazing training program! I finished my first marathon this Sunday with a personal best of 3:55. Injury Prevention for Runners made all the difference.

I’m 47 and have suffered chronic calve tears since I was hit by a car and shattered my tibia. After my third child, I had a craniotomy for 2 brain tumors which kept me bedridden for 3 months. With 3 kids, I knew I had to get back to the thing that made me most happy: running! This race meant so much to me. My husband ran the last mile with me and my kids helped me cross the finish line. It doesn’t get any better.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!” – Meg

“Things are going well so far with my IT band. Recent long runs of 7, 10, 8, 13 have gone well. I  wanted to mention that I went to 4 or 5 sessions of PT, and after the initial analysis they had me coming in for ‘workout’ type of therapy, which I didn’t get much out of. When I showed them the warmups and strength workouts from the program, they said there’s basically no reason for me to continue with the PT workouts.” – Bret

“Thank you for the injury prevention program which I purchased in May after following the site and your e-mails for a few months.

I’m 53 and returned to running two years ago after a 30 year break. I ran a 10k yesterday and I reduced my PB by over 3 1/2 minutes to 47:17 and I’m absolutely delighted with my progress. The program has left me feeling much stronger, and I’ve not been injured at all, after suffering calf and achilles tendon issues last year. Consistency through not being injured has been key to my progress (your famous “Secret Sauce”!), together with a more structured plan.

I’ve signed up for my first marathon in October (the Jersey Marathon on 4 October – I’m based in the UK) and I’ve got my long run distance up to 20 miles to date. I’m feeling strong, confident and on track so far! Thanks again!” – Brian

“Last month I purchased the Injury Prevention for Runners program and I just wanted to share that I had a breakthrough. My last several runs have been incredible. Last week I ran my fastest 7 miles and 9 miles ever. Never before have I managed 7 miles in under an hour and ten minutes. Last weekend my 9-miler clocked in around 1 hr, 33 min – another personal best.

I don’t just feel better; I feel transformed – like a brand new runner. I’ve never run like this – with strength and without aches and pains. Thank you for the great runs and strength routines. They are making a huge difference, and once again I’m excited to run and discover what improvements I can make.” – Rebecca
Injury Prevention _ Testimonial

“I struggled with ITBS 2011 to 2013, two full years. Didn’t even make it to the start line of two marathons I registered for due to severe ITBS flaring up in later stages of training, and then DNF’d my third marathon attempt Jan 2013 after ITBS flared up after mile 9. Since training with Strength Running starting summer 2013, I’ve run three marathons COMPLETELY pain free. I can barely remember the feeling of what all that ITBS fuss was about!” – Dan

“I bought Injury Prevention for Runners and it rocks. Thank you!” – Namita

“I just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for everything you’ve done over the past six weeks. I’ve come away from the program with a better understanding of why I’ve found myself chronically injured and how to work smart to avoid it in the future. “ – Brendan

“Very easy to follow, practical tips that can be implemented into your training, brilliant resource!” – Ben

“If you are having any issues with ITBS, skip the straps, inserts, blaming your shoes, rollers, and please don’t try to run through it. Leading up to my transformation I couldn’t pull off 3 miles without discomfort but after 4 weeks, I completed a 12 miler with no pain at all, in the shoes that I was told caused it, and with renewed confidence. It’s proven that Jason really knows his stuff – thank you Jason!” – Mike

“I had ITBS whenever I tried to run more than 10K. I tried everything and almost gave up. But now, I can run full marathons without pain. Can’t thank you enough!” – Ravi

Sarah_Success Story Share

“Your program is more comprehensive than the one my physical therapist recommended, which was essentially just clam shells.” – JT

“I’ve been bothered by Achilles pain for over a month. Took some time off. No results. Tried your advice. Two days later. No pain. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!!!!!!!” – Trent

“You’ve been amazing and the advice and schedules that you’ve provided have been invaluable — my mind still goes back to my chiropractor telling me that there’s no way that my IT Band should haveve healed so quickly — I dig that!” – Dave

“The Injury Prevention for Runners program has been everything I needed. As the mom of three young boys it saves my sanity to be able to go on a run because I feel like I am accomplishing something–it’s my ‘me’ time. Being able to run consistently now without injury (ITBS) has been a huge gift. The information included is totally worth the price! It has made me a more confident runner knowing the causes of injury and how to now prevent them.” – Danae

“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I’ve suffered from recurring ITBS for years, often having to sit out weeks or months of training (and miss or suffer through races!) because of it. I had my first flare-up in a while last week after a long run, so I was desperate to find a routine that could quickly build the strength I need and heal the injury to be rid of this forever.

I followed the plan diligently everyday with no running and plenty of the foam roller. Five days later, I just went for a (shorter) long run, completely pain-free! I’ve never healed this quickly before and I know I now have a long-term plan that will get rid of this nuisance injury forever. Thanks again!” – Aron

Injury_Achilles Testimonial

“I kicked off training for the Cleveland Marathon and this is the first time that I have been able to start a marathon cycle in 4 years. Every other time I wound up injured before I even started. I attribute the lack of injury and to all of the ancillary work that I have built in over the past 6 weeks.

If it were not for you I would not have realized the additional work that should be done. I’m looking forward to this training cycle and so are my hips, glutes, hamstrings and IT Bands :)! Thanks again, Jason. Keep kicking ass! Your workouts are such an inspiration.” – Sarah

“The injury prevention program works, a must if you want to keep running into your golden years. Run fast, run free – this program will fulfill your dreams. ” – Rowena

“Recurring ITB issues on both legs ended my 2012-13 seasons. I vowed to make it through 2014 injury free and armed myself with Injury Prevention for Runners. The result? I made it through 2014 injury free, averaging 40-50 miles per week and almost PR’ed my half. Thanks Jason for all the excellent content and sage advice on Strength Running!” – John

“I invested in Injury Prevention for Runners in November. I had no serious injuries but a few tweaks that needed attention. Felt twinge in hamstring -start of injury if not corrected. Totally went away after following the coaching lessons!

Then I PR’d the Dallas half marathon AND won my Age Group. I ran double Halfs New Years Eve/Day. Won Masters and went EZ Day 2. Hamstring feels awesome. You’re my strength coach that saves the day!!” – Sara

“When Jason offered the Injury Prevention Program I just had to get it, since it’s a solid framework with all the necessary things to know about running longer distances all in one package. Beside the focused injury treatment plans, it’s one reference book to go back to if you need a change in strategy, are injured or just need constant reinforcement (like me) to remind you what’s good for you.

I would recommend the program to anyone that has trouble with ITBS, recurring injuries or wants to increase mileage and speed safely. It’s almost like a lifestyle philosophy, it’s full of heart and in a funny, nerdy way (sorry Jason).

It’s an absolute pleasure to read. Kudos and thanks to Jason for doing the research and packing all of his knowledge into a well-structured, all-around guide.” – Franzi

You can stay healthy, too! Learn more about Injury Prevention for Runners here.

“I used to have chronic pain in my left Achilles and a really tight right hip, IT Band, and lower back. After your suggestions, I’m having more fun with my running because I’m feeling fantastic and been able to run multiple 6-7 mile runs with negative splits, which I wouldn’t have been able to do without your advice.

I’m running 4-5 days per week and have no pain in my hips, knees, or back. The advice you gave has given me the confidence to increase my mileage and now my legs feel stronger.” – Mike

“The second I crossed the finish line with that time, without my IT band completely blowing up on me I knew I would be sticking with you to get me that Boston Qualifying time.” – Ryan

“Jason, thank you so much. I ran a 1:54:05 half marathon, a 4 min improvement after purchasing the Injury Prevention for Runners program. I used the advanced half plan and arrived at the start line injury free after battling IT Band issues for several months earlier in the year. Felt strong throughout the race today. I’m 52 yrs old but felt much younger racing today. Once again thank you; your program works!” – Sid

Injury_Speed Testimonial

“Thank you so much for helping me heal the right way the past month. My hips have never been this strong. Ever! All the kinks I’ve had for so long do not exist anymore and I am enjoying my runs so much more now. And… running sub 8:00’s easily! Anyway… I never thanked you so… thank you!” – Sarah

“As a physical therapist I am totally on board with your advice. In particular the strategies for prevention. A must read for any runner.” – Dave

“I am an experienced trainer, coach, and post rehabilitation specialist and have to say that your exercise selections are spot on with what I use with clients. They work, I have seen them work first hand!” – Nick

“Thank you! Your IT Band rehab plan really has been helping (my PT has noticed as well, but he observed that I was pretty much fixing myself by following your regimen).” – El

“I must congratulate you for the interviews . I was skeptical about the full access, but it was worth every penny.” – Daniel

“If only I’d invested in your program sooner, I would have saved $100’s in PT bills. Thanks so much. It relieved my anxiety and I’m advising any runner I know who is struggling with injuries to purchase Injury Prevention for Runners.

I ran a 5k and a 10k, and I was only 20 seconds off from my 5K PR and I placed 1st in my age division. My 10K was my first official 10K and again, I placed first in my age group (and 7th overall)! The 10K involved a beast of a bridge, but my legs felt great! The rest of my day involved lots of walking, and I wasn’t even tired!” – Shana

Injury Testimonial_Twitter

“I am coming back from a pain-with-every-step hamstring injury. I’ve fully taken your experience/ recommendations into my rehab and recovery. Now, slowly but very definitely, I’m coming out of this injury stronger and better prepared. I feel like a completely different runner. I feel closer to how I felt as a college athlete.

There is still more that I need to improve on… but I have such a different outlook versus the pain and frustration I felt for all of last year. Thank you so much for your guidance!” – Dorothy

“Thank you Jason, the program is so helpful! I am definitely seeing a difference in my running. I’m 58 and been battling Achilles tendinopathy for a year now and was ready to give up running. I started the program and then I ran a Shamrock 4 miler for fun and ran a 9min pace, with no pain in my Achilles! Thank you, thank you! I’ve signed up for a 10k next month and will continue with your advice.” – Lucy

“I struggled with ITBS from 2011 to 2013 for two full years. I didn’t even make it to start line of two marathon races I registered for due to severe ITBS flaring up in later stages of training, and then DNF’d my third full marathon attempt after ITBS flared up after mile 9. Since your program, I’ve run two full marathons completely pain free. I can barely remember the feeling of what all that ITBS fuss was about!” – Dan

“Your injury prevention program is amazing – I’m getting stronger every day because of it!” – Brian

Injury Prevention Testimonial

Ready to see your own success? Get Injury Prevention for Runners here!

“Once again I owe it all to you Jason. Tonight was my 5K race and I put all the pieces together that you’ve taught me. I set out to fight the urge to run with the pack and burn out. Told myself what pace I was going to run and I ran it. It was time to employ negative splits.

It worked PERFECTLY! On my last mile I passed at least half a dozen other racers. I was pooped but fresh enough to put on the afterburners and I felt great.  Finished with a 27:20. Missed the PR by 4 seconds but it was 40 degrees hotter, humid and hilly. I’m calling this one a win for me.

For a 47 year old guy who was 300 pounds just over a year ago, it’s pretty big. I’ll also add, a guy whose been running injury free since starting the program.” – Mike