The Strength Running Boot Camp

Results and runner feedback from the SRBC Program

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“The SRBC is excellent. It’s helped me deal with injuries and build my mileage. Best of all, it helps you form a plan of what and when to run (e.g., long run, tempo, adding strides, hill sprints, etc.) and when to do strength work with specifics. Love it!” – Rob

“I did your SRBC and in the last 6 weeks I have a new weekly and monthly mileage record, a new 1k, 5k, 8k PB and new distance run PB of 17km ( all built slowly following your program). Thank you so much!!!” – anonymous

“Hey Jason – today’s lesson was a total godsend! I’ve been searching everywhere to not just find strength routines, but ones I can incorporate into my running schedule. (In addition to knowing where to fit them in, without interfering with training by feeling too fatigued). There is very limited information out there on this topic, so thank you for putting this together!!!” – Nicole

“Every year at this time, I get in a total funk. I have to max out on my Vitamin D intake. I’m just not used to living in cold and don’t think I ever will be. BUT, the SR Boot Camp has helped me develop new ideas of how to keep training over the winter. I needed something to reference and cheer me on. This boot camp came at the right time in my life. Thank you!!!” – Joy

“I set a goal and have not missed a workout since starting the SRBC. It’s been huge in keeping me injury free. I’m still surprised that I’ve built up this mileage injury free.” – Kimberly

“What are the things that beginning-to-intermediate runner struggles with the most? What separates the placers from everyone else? If you’re anything like me, it all comes down to two ingredients…motivation and consistency. If you aren’t motivated, workouts are something you love to hate…getting out the door is a struggle. And If you aren’t consistent, no amount of motivation will make up for it, and you’ll likely introduce a new enemy: injury, because your body doesn’t know how to respond to the strain and volume.

Jason has put together a simple program to get and stay motivated and also increase your consistency and help fend off injury. Before I joined the SR Boot Camp, I was doing pretty well – I had a 1:38 PR for my most recent 1/2 PR – but I was totally inconsistent, suffered from IT Band Syndrome, and my motivation was flagging.

However, after joining the program it made me rethink my entire approach to running. Now consistency, motivation and injury prevention are the hallmarks of my running. Jason is all about making it easy to run smarter – not harder – and up to the point when I joined his program I was all about harder.

Since joining, I’ve gotten a lot smarter…I’m now planning my runs more strategically, using days off to get stronger and I already feel like my running is a lot more fun. If you want to maintain the status quo this program isn’t for you. However, if you want to get into the right mindset, run smarter and do better then you cannot miss out on something so deceptively simple.

Join up to learn how to run smarter, faster, and with a lot less injury. I’m glad that I did and after 4-weeks my performance, mental state and times are already proving the impact.” – Dave

“I bought a Rehab training plan with you last year and it helped me get through ITBS. A year later I got lazy and was skipping the IT Band strength exercises and core routines. And guess what? My knee started acting up again. I did your SRBC and it reminded me why it was so necessary to put those things back in again, to take the time for them. And wouldn’t you know it? 1 week back into things, and I have no knee pain. Thanks for the kick in the pants. 🙂 ” – Erin


“Since completing the SR Boot Camp, I have found that I am more determined to get out and run, regardless of the weather conditions or how I’m ‘feeling.’

The program has resulted in me managing to run a total of 100km in the month of June over 13 runs, which is the highest number of runs and the furthest I have run in 1 month. To top things off, not only am I running more, I am actually running faster as well – even though this was not a goal, it is very much a nice benefit! I recently ran a 10km PB (53.32), taking 2 mins off my previous best, as well as including my fastest ever 1km (4.47/km) for the last 1km (oh and a negative 26.59/26.33 split).

So the SR Boot Camp has helped me in many ways – motivation, consistency, injury management, recovery and speed. I would never have called myself a ‘runner’ before, being built more like a rugby forward, but now I know I am a runner and I look forward to bedding in these good habits!” – Alan

“I believe the SRBC lessons truly helped me start recovering from my ITB injury more quickly than it otherwise would have. I really enjoyed the daily SRBC emails! Thanks.” – Aimee

“I have been thoroughly impressed with the Boot Camp this month. Your teaching and plan are helping me not only recover from a nagging injury, but have established in my training a new focus and dedication. Thank you!!” – Daisy

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