Let’s Hang Out Before the Boston Marathon! Plus 2 More Announcements

Marathon Monday is coming! On April 15, tens of thousands of runners will line up in Hopkinton to run Boston, the world’s greatest marathon.

Boston Marathon

But the real event the media is jacked up about is the meetup I’m hosting on Saturday before the race. I just got off the phone with Brian Williams and NBC is scrambling to dispatch enough journalists to cover the extravaganza.

Roll out the red carpet and pop the bubbly because we’re expecting hundreds of stars from the running world.

Yes, it will be a grandiose “who’s who” of the marathon community.

Meanwhile, in real life…

Back in reality, I am hosting a meetup at Dillon’s from 4-7pm on Saturday, 4/13. A private room is reserved in the back and a few dailymile all-stars are joining us.

Located just off the marathon course about a kilometer from the finish line, Dillon’s is at 955 Boylston Street.


If you live nearby or are staying in town for the race, I’d love for you to join us.

To join me for an adult beverage, shot of Gatorade or Gu, just sign up below. I’ll email you soon with the full details. This helps me provide an estimated number of people to Dillon’s and communicate any last minute updates.

SR blog posts are now on the Kindle

A new feature that Amazon introduced allows you to read your favorite blogs right on your Kindle.

It automatically updates wirelessly throughout the day so you’ll always have new posts available whenever they’re published.

Now you can get all SR blog posts on your Kindle. Just go to Amazon here.Strength Running on the Kindle

Alas, there’s a downside: it isn’t free. Amazon charges $.99/month to use this service. I think this is silly and if it were up to me, would make this a free feature for you.

Unfortunately, it’s not my decision.

But, my goal is to make SR widely available and this is one way to accomplish that. If you’d like to get all SR posts automatically on your Kindle, sign up here.

I hope it makes reading SR a little easier for you.

Google Killed its RSS Feed

If you use Google Reader to read blogs, you’re in trouble: the service is soon being discontinued.

That means all your blog subscriptions will just disappear and you’ll be forced to actually type in the url of your favorite websites to manually check for new posts. The humanity!

Instead, you have two options: join my newsletter to stay up to date and get all of the free goodies I give away to my email readers. Or, use Feedly to subscribe via RSS.

Email readers get the added benefit of bonus content and discounts on programs and coaching I don’t make public on the blog. You can get instant access by signing up here or in the box below.

Have a great weekend!

– Jason.

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