Introducing: High Performance Lifting

The Year of Strength has taught us that lifting weights is critical for runners. It’s not cross-training – it’s just training.

That’s because lifting is the perfect complement to running. It builds power, prevents injuries, improves efficiency, and leads to faster racing.

For many runners, it’s the difference between healthy running and injury. Or fading in the last mile and finishing strong.

But we’ve also learned that not all strength training is a good idea for runners:

  • Lifting like a bodybuilder with long, frequent workouts
  • Bootcamps or group classes like CrossFit or Body Pump
  • Stability training that doesn’t build power
  • Lifting for endurance with low weight and high reps

If you try to get strong this way, there’s no progression (which helps you improve). You never build on your strength training – it’s the same WOD or class every time.

There’s also no periodization – or changing focus depending on where you’re at with your running. So if you’re four days away from your goal race, you’re doing the same workout as someone who’s just started base training!

The result? Stagnating performances… poor strength gains… very little power… and slower, weaker runners 🙁

Like running mileage or fast workouts, strength training must progress. It must be periodized so you’re doing different work at different points during the season.

But now I’m finally ready to introduce a complete system. An end-to-end roadmap for how to get stronger exactly like a runner should!

Introducing: High Performance Lifting

I’m thrilled to release High Performance Lifting – the only lifting program designed by a USATF and USA Weightlifting National Coach.

The goal? To help you lift like an elite runner.

HPL took nearly two years to create. We hired a pro video team to record elite runners lift in the gym. You’ll get this exact programming to build a powerfully fast finishing kick and the durability to tolerate more running.

This is unlike other programs that aren’t specifically for runners (Insanity, P90X, or fitness DVD’s) or focus on just bodyweight exercises.

Instead, you’ll finally know how to lift like a pro by focusing on the right aspect of strength at the right time. This programming is recommended by the best strength coaches and runners in the world so you know it’s the best. Simple as that.

More specifically, High Performance Lifting includes:

  • A detailed 16-week strength program (no experience in the gym needed) showing you every exercise, set, and rep
  • Almost 50 HD videos with every exercise demonstrated by pro runners Maggie Callahan (Pac 10 Steeplechase Champ) or Addie Bracy (2017 Mountain Runner of the Year)
  • Specialized Physical Preparation and Plyometric Finishers for running-specific strength and stability
  • Exclusive interviews with David McHenry (Nike Oregon Project head strength coach), Tina Muir (pro runner), and Brad Stulberg (author and performance coach)
  • A comprehensive Training Plan Library with advanced, new plans for 2-miles – Half Marathon
  • The Strength Running Lifting Log and video walkthroughs of strength workouts and how to read our training plans
  • How to abandon a lift (just in case) and a comprehensive Mobility Screen to ensure you’re ready to lift

And the best part? You can use HPL forever, gaining strength with each training cycle. Once you enroll, you also get free updates for life.

Here are all the details.

HPL is the only strength program on the market that:

  • Was created specifically for runners and their unique needs
  • Was developed by USATF and USAW coaches
  • Is used by elite runners (it’s THAT good)
  • Shows you exactly how to lift during an entire training cycle

For the runner who’s ready to take her training to the next level – for those who truly want to see what they’re capable of – this is your opportunity.

Our discounted launch pricing will only be available until Thursday, January 25 so register today.

Questions? Contact me (Jason) directly and I’m happy to help.

Get Stronger & Run Healthy

Join our free course to help you better prevent injuries, develop runner-specific strength, and avoid the big mistakes that get runners hurt.