- Posted
- BY Jason Fitzgerald
There’s no escaping the truth: the more you run, the more you have to eat.
A difficult reality for those of us who have the goal of running for weight loss.
After a long run or hard workout, …
…There’s no escaping the truth: the more you run, the more you have to eat.
A difficult reality for those of us who have the goal of running for weight loss.
After a long run or hard workout, …
…Do you love a good massage? You should: the benefits of massage for runners may help you attain your next personal best.
Study the training of professional runners and you’ll notice that they have an entire team helping them …
…A few years ago, my wife and I took our honeymoon to Hawaii. As you can see, I had an awesome time:
Running was last on my to-do list (and my wife would have killed me if I was …
…Rarely do I find a running shoe that can be used for such a wide variety of workouts from long runs to track repetitions.
But sometimes, a shoe just has it all. Meet the Adidas Adios Boost, a …
…Isn’t it amazing what you can accomplish when you make a few simple tweaks to your running?
In just a few months, it’s possible to resolve chronic injuries, get even stronger, and run a slew of personal bests. With …
…How do you run a fast marathon? It’s one of the most interesting questions I can think of as a runner, training geek, and coach.
It’s also incredibly complex. With a race as long as the marathon, there are …
…In less than a week, you’ll join over 36,000 other runners from around the globe to run the world’s greatest marathon.
But next Monday will be different. Last year the running community was devastated by a senseless tragedy that …
…Stuck in a rut? Tired of running the same loop at the same pace (in the same shoes) while training for the same race?
Fear not, fellow runner. I’ve got strategies up the wazoo to help you spice up …
…In just a few days, Strength Running will turn four years old. What started as a little running blog that nobody read has grown into one of the largest running blogs on the web.
It’s crazy to think that …
…What if you could run more – while feeling stronger and getting far fewer injuries?
I think you can.
If runners made just a few small changes to their training (we’ll show you how with this medicine ball workout) …
…Want to run faster with fewer injuries?
Join tens of thousands of runners like you and get our free running course. You’ll get the inside scoop on how to stay healthy, set monster personal bests, and how to choose the right marathon or half marathon training plan. Sign up on now and running coach Jason Fitzgerald will be in touch!
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