- Posted
- BY Jason Fitzgerald
If you’re like me this Christmas, you’re going to indulge in the big desserts, flowing booze, and generous portions. ‘Tis the season.
Most people accept that the holidays are a special time to eat a lot of crap and …
If you’re like me this Christmas, you’re going to indulge in the big desserts, flowing booze, and generous portions. ‘Tis the season.
Most people accept that the holidays are a special time to eat a lot of crap and …
Are you a creature of habit?
I definitely am. My training is predictable even though I know the serious benefits of variety in any program. I run the same trails, do similar workouts from training cycle to training …
…Would you like to run more and train harder with fewer running injuries?
If you have a time goal for your next race or want to run in less pain, of course you want to train more consistently!
Last …
…Every month on Strength Running I write a review of the previous month’s training – what worked, what didn’t, my failures and successes. My hope is that you can learn from my training to improve your own.
I’m going …
…It was September, 2009. I was sleeping on a pile of leaves in a self-made shelter in the middle of rural Virginia. I hadn’t showered in two days and the steady diet of soup, beef jerky, and Powerbars had …
…One of the perks of running this site is that I get to talk to runners all day, every day. We chat about training, injuries, racing, how to be more consistent, and the mental side of getting faster. I’m …
…What’s a better cross training exercise for runners, cycling on the road or spinning?
Runners are always looking for ways to get in better shape. When I was in college, I got a Trek road bike to stay fit
On November 20th, I raced the Philadelphia Marathon and finished 42nd in a time of 2:39:32, a PR of over 5 minutes.
I never hit the wall, barely slowed down at all during the last 6.2 miles, and felt …
…I love this analogy: Don’t let your engine outpace your chassis.
It’s a simple analogy that refers to your metabolic or aerobic fitness (endurance) vs. your structural fitness (bones, tendons, ligaments, and muscles). I like to tell my …
…Time for some fun today. Have you noticed that there are many types of runners these days? So have I….
All artwork is custom designed by Meaghan Fitzgerald for Strength Running (yep, my wife is an artist). Please share …
…Want to run faster with fewer injuries?
Join tens of thousands of runners like you and get our free running course. You’ll get the inside scoop on how to stay healthy, set monster personal bests, and how to choose the right marathon or half marathon training plan. Sign up on now and running coach Jason Fitzgerald will be in touch!
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