1-on-1 Personal Coaching – With Ongoing, Full Support

As of 12/10/2015 my coaching program is full and I’m not accepting new runners until 2016. Join the wait list for my upcoming coaching program here.

Hey, I’m Jason.

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Do you have big running goals but aren’t sure how to accomplish them? I can help.

I’ve been helping runners accomplish their running goals – no matter how crazy, outlandish, or even small – since 2010.

Since then, you might have seen my work in Runner’s World (they usually ask me about my specialty, injury prevention), Competitor, Active.com, or maybe Lifehacker.

This press was fun, but my real goal is getting you results. I’m ruthlessly results-oriented so let me know what you want to do and I want to get you there.

My 1-on-1 coaching program is where you’ll get my very best: ongoing personal support, workouts designed just for you, and unlimited communication with me.

Consider me your “personal running consultant” so you don’t have to worry if you’re doing the right thing or spending countless hours researching training plans…

But I need to be upfront: I don’t accept every runner into this program. I ask that you be committed, passionate about running, and have a strong desire to improve. I don’t care how fast you are – I just need to know you want to get better.

I’ve turned away runners who are more interested in “quick fixes” than consistent, long-term progress. If that’s you, then you’re not the right person for this program.

But if you want to do the work to get better and cross your next finish line with a smile on your face, then I’d love to help.

Consider Stan, a runner I’ve been coaching for the last few years:

I found Jason after dealing with multiple injuries over the preceding 3 years. I started using his free coaching material from the blog and I was able to get stronger and run more, and after 2 months I ran a half marathon without issues.

After the race I decided that I wanted to give “full time” running a try again (a mid life crisis thing as I am 55 and I wanted to experience the fun I had running as a kid) and I contacted Jason. I was looking for someone who would help me get stronger, take the guess work out of setting up my running & strength program and find “someone who could help me answer all of my questions” (I am someone who wants to know “why” I am doing something or why something hurts).

I have now been with Jason for 1.5 years and over this period we have been able to:

— Strengthen my body – I have not missed a workout due to an injury

— I have increased my milage from 12-15 miles a week to a whopping 70 miles last week

— I regularly run 18-20 miles for my long runs (and they are on trails) and it only takes me 1 day to recover

— I do not worry about my workouts, as they are set for me. I now spend my time training and on the “little things” that make me stronger and faster

— I actually have more time with my family because I am not constantly on the computer or worrying about what direction my training needs to go. After a goal race I just tell Jason what I want to do over the next 6-8 months and he adjusts my schedules to get me there

— I regularly finish in the top 3 of my age group in my local runs and I am running times and distances that I never thought possible 2 years ago

For me, our partnership has been great and he is helping me meet (and exceed) the crazy goals that I have set for myself for the next 5 years. He responds quickly to all my emails and he answers all of my questions.

The key is you must be honest with him (and yourself), as your input is vital to your success. If you are tired, feel issues arising or family/work is weighing you down you need to make sure you communicate that with Jason so your schedules is adjusted.

Runners like Stan have big goals – and I’m thrilled to be helping him get there.

The runners I accept into my coaching program get:

  • A personalized training plan that I write to your unique fitness level and goals
  • Core workouts, strength exercises, and flexibility routines to help you stay healthy – long term
  • Unlimited communication with me to discuss mileage, injuries, fueling, race scheduling and strategy (or any other topic your crazy brain can think of!)
  • Unlimited revisions to your plan. Going on vacation? Have a last minute family trip on long run day? I’ll take care of it.
  • Stress-free training knowing that you’re doing the best training possible

I work with each of my runners closely to develop a running plan that fits their goals and helps them worry less about doing the right training.

The Full Coaching program is for runners who are passionate about running and want to improve. You’ll be working closely with me every week to talk about your workouts, how you feel, and what we can do to help bring you closer to your goals.

If that sounds like something you’re interested in, then shoot me an email (support@strengthrunning.com). Tell me a little bit about your goals and what you’d like to do in the next 3-6 months. How can I help?

After we chat, if it’s a good fit, we can discuss how long you’d like to work together, costs, and how best to tackle your running.

What are other runners saying?

If you’re unsure about hiring a coach, consider this: I’ve coached men and women from around the world (UK, Canada, Australia, South Africa and a lot more) as well as marathoners, trail runners, masters, and 100-mile ultra runners.

I’ve also coached quite a few military personnel training for their branch’s fitness test. Recently I helped a woman pass the FBI fitness test (1.5 mile run and a 300 meter sprint!).

“Jason has changed my life. Before I worried about every step I made. My legs hurt non-stop. After I started training with Jason, he had me do some exercises to improve the muscles in my legs and feet. Now, I am for the most part pain-free. It is so good to get up and run 5 miles and think to myself, ‘that was easy.’ – Lydia

“So far this year I’ve PR’d at every distance that I’ve run: 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, and the Marathon! And I’m sure there is more. Best decision I ever made was to hire you! :)” – Lisa

“I’ve been so happy with how everything has been going and feeling ready for marathon training. I’ve never been ‘conditioned’ like this before each season. Best decision to get you on board 2 months earlier. Cannot wait to see what I can do!” – Sarah

“I recommend Jason if you have been successful and got to a point where you can put up steady results but need the boost and oversight to go further.

He is good at using your input to design a program and providing honest feedback; even when it’s not what you want to hear. Jason will be put you in a place to be successful.” – Terry

“I’ve been working with Jason for 3 months now and I’ve already seen amazing differences in my running. My legs are stronger, hills are a piece of cake, and I’m getting faster. I just ran my 3rd marathon and finished faster than my goal time, AND got a 25 minute PR!” – Lisa

“The second I crossed the finish line with a 46 minute PR, without my IT band completely blowing up on me, I knew I would be sticking with you to get me that Boston Qualifying time.” – Ryan

“Thanks to you, your training plans, the common sense and way you dove right into getting me on track is amazing! I am so thankful I found you! The improvements are noticeable – what you are doing is working for me! Looking forward to the upcoming half. I never knew I could feel this good after a few weeks of focused training!” – Tammy

Marathon Feedback


Let’s talk before you join this program. Email me at support@strengthrunning.com and I’ll get back to you within a few hours.

About me: I’m a USATF-certified running coach, the founder and coach at Strength Running and have been featured in major media outlets like Runner’s World, Outside Magazine, Fox News, and USA Today. I’m a member of the Greatist Expert Network and have spoken at fitness conferences and businesses. I want to make you a better runner.
