Thanks for Visiting My Speaking Page!

Thank you for visiting my speaking page. I understand it can be difficiult to find just the right speaker. In my previous role working on the Department of Energy and EPA’s largest programs, I’ve had the responsibility of speaking at many venues for a wide variety of audiences.

I’ve spoken at conferences, camps, schools, exhibits, companies, and on video with organizations like The Huffington Post. You can read more about me here or see my press here.


I know that events live and die by the quality of their speakers. My hope is that this page will give you the information you need to make the best decision possible.

More than anything, my speaking revolves around delivering actionable training. Attendees will come away from my presentations with specific workouts, routines, and strategies to improve their running that they can implement right away. Rather than jargon and theory, I’ll deliver immediate and lasting value to your audience.

Thanks for considering me. I’m honored!

What You Can Expect

If we decide that working together is a good fit, here’s what you can expect:

  1. Prompt, professional replies to all of your emails and phone calls.
  2. A personal phone consultation prior to your event so I can better understand how I can best serve your event.
  3. An announcement about your event on the Strength Running blog and social media channels (if you prefer no visibility, that’s fine, too).
  4. A thoroughly prepared and dynamically delivered presentation focused on achieving the outcomes you want with your audience.
  5. My presence for the entirety of your event to mingle with attendees, answer questions, and provide additional value to your organization
  6. A custom resource page created exclusively for your event attendees. It will include the presentation slides and other helpful resources (books, articles, etc.).
  7. A quick follow-up after your event to ensure I met all expectations.

More about Jason

I’ve been speaking publicly since 2009, delivering private presentations, public talks, and participating on debate panels. I have also been a guest on many of the largest podcasts in various industries including Entrepreneur on Fire, Run to the Top, The Art of Manliness, and Celebrity Fitness Trainer Vinnie Tortorich.

Most recently I’ve delivered private workshops at the Inter-American Developmental Bank, Camp Nerd Fitness (5 presentations over three days), the Rocky Mountain Trail Camp, and the National Endurance Sports Summit at Princeton University (two panels).

Most of my time is devoted to coaching and writing. Here’s more information about my platform:

  • Strength Running is one of the largest running blogs in the world with 200,000 visitors a month and over 100,000 email subscribers
  • I’m a regular contributor to PodiumRunner, Trail Runner Magazine, the MapMyRun & MapMyFitness blogs, Lifehacker, and the Huffington Post
  • My social channels reach an additional 35,000 followers

My book, Running for Health & Happiness, debuted as the #1 best-seller in the running category on Amazon and has a 4.6 average rating.

My Most Popular Topics

I speak on two different topics: online marketing and running. Each presentation is customized to meet your organization’s specific needs – my goal is to produce your desired result.

The most popular topics are listed below (these can be presented as keynotes, workshops, or short talks).

Injury Prevention Masterclass

Why is the annual injury rate among runners higher than professional football at upwards of 75%?

Why is pain-free running so evasive?

Why do so many “experts” recommend to run less and stretch more (when we know that doesn’t work)?

In this presentation, I share the holistic strategies for staying healthy and running pain-free long-term. The take-away lessons your audience will recieve from this presentation include incredibly actionable training tips, high-level planning guidance, and runner-specific strength that will all help to ward off injuries.

Breaking Through

Most runners have hit a performance plateau at some point. And I know how frustrating it is to feel like you’re working harder but getting slower.

In this popular session, I’ll discuss the training strategies that help runners get to the next level in their performance. Often, small tweaks give powerful results.

And large tweaks give enormous results!

Beyond Finishing: Racing Your Best 26.2

Finishing a marathon is a bucket list goal for many runners. But what next?

Breaking the elusive 4- or 3-hour time barrier is the next logical step. Or perhaps qualifying for the prestigious Boston Marathon.

No matter your talent level, there are proven ways to take your performance to the next level in the marathon.

In this marathon-specific presentation, we’ll talk about the many factors that influence finish times – and how your audience can take advantage of all of them to run their fastest marathon yet.

Growth Marketing

How has Strength Running grown from nothing to a top blog with press mentions in Health Magazine, Runner’s World, Fox News Magazine, Business Insider, and many more?

How has Strength Running increased gross revenue by more than 25% annually over the last four years?

In this talk for small businesses, I will discuss the critical “growth levers” that will propel your business and brand from obscurity to the national scene.

Writing to Sell

Most blogs labor in obscurity and rely on sponsorships or advertising for revenue. But what if you have your own products and services to sell?

The truth is that most small businesses are good at what they do but not how to sell what they do.

In this presentation, I’ll share how to captivate your audience, create raving fans, and grow a legion of loyal customers with the power of words.

What Others Are Saying

Here is what a few other event sponsors said after I worked with their organizations:

“Jason Fitzgerald was a great addition to the panel on half marathon training at DC Fit, our boutique health and fitness expo featuring industry experts.Reid+Snyder+InTheCapital+Headshot

Jason spoke knowledgeably to runners of various levels on training technique, mental preparation, and nutrition. His expertise was of tremendous value.” – Reid Snyder, publisher at InTheCapital

“Jason Fitzgerald was a great addition to the our 2nd annual National Endurance Sports Summit on the nutrition and injury prevention panels. Jason gave invaluable information relating to the difference between fueling your body from 5K’s to ultramarathons.Eitan Sufian

On the injury prevention panel, Jason talked knowledgeably on the importance of strength training, mobility, and listening to your body. His attendance was a tremendous value to everyone.” – Eitan Sufian, NESS Coordinator at Team U

“Jason spoke on injury prevention for trail runners at our inaugural Becoming Ultra Trail Camp. Besides speaking to Scott-Jonesthe specific needs of the runners who attended, he took the time to get to know his audience, spent time on the trails, and answered every question after his presentation. I know many attendees are using the information he presented after the camp. We will definitely have him out again!” – Scott Jones, director of the Becoming Ultra Trail Camp

“Jason successfully inspired our entire national team with his session on increasing performance. While he was addressing a
team of business professionals, not a team of runners, the principles he shared are universal truths that any team can benefit from.” – Anthony Rotio, VP of Owned Retail, Anheuser Busch

“Jason from Strength Running recently participated on a panel we called “coaches corner.” The panel was an opportunity for trail runners to hear about the latest science based trends in training for trail running.

Jason shared clear information on the importance of including strength training that the attendees found really useful. We recommend Jason for any public events.” – Terry Chiplin, Director of the US Trail Running Conference

Additional Feedback:

“As an avid reader of ‘all things running’ I immediately recognized Jason as someone dialed into the latest thought and current best practices for runners. As a masters runner the concepts behind Strength Running are even more important than for younger runners. With the help of SR I’ve been able to avoid hip and glute issues I’ve dealt with in the past and have been able to remain strong enough to run through hamstring issues.” – Chris, Boston Marathon Qualifier

“It’s such a relief to get some good all round guidance – I have started to put pretty much everything Jason suggested into action and I feel so much happier that I am doing what I need to do and heading in the right direction. I was feeling quite disheartened with all the injuries I’d had and was wondering if I should just quit, but am now feeling a lot more confident that I can get through it and be in better shape and a better runner from it. Much appreciated!” – Charlotte S.

The Next Step

Thanks again for considering me for your event. Please email me ( to check my availability. I’ll get back to you right away.

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