Training Journal: 3.29 – 5.2.10

I’m going to start putting up my own training on a more month-to-month basis with less details.  Aside from not boring you to tears, I want to focus on the big picture and see how I’m progressing on a more macro scale.

I recently emphasized that I am focusing on long term results and weekly mileage is less important than monthly and annual volume.  This is a critical training concept to grasp and vital for long term improvement.  Slight to moderate weekly gains, while not as impressive as a 90 or 100 mile week, can mean enormous annual gains.

You’ll see that I took two weeks of recovery followed by more structured training.  This was on purpose as I was due for a break and I was excessively sore from burning the candle at both ends.  I had no important races and the break worked out perfectly.  Here we go…

3.29 – 4.4: Complete rest.  No running, cycling, or strength work.  I took it easy and tried to sleep a lot to aid recovery.

4.5 – 4.11: I ran two easy 5 mile runs to keep my legs under me.  The weather was fantastic and I couldn’t help myself.  I also got on the bike twice for two short rides between 50 – 60 minutes.

4.12 – 4.18: Started to get back into the swing of things with 5 days of running for 33 miles.  My longest run was 9 miles and I did plenty of dynamic flexibility and core exercises.  I rode one day for 47 minutes.

4.19 – 4.25: This week was much more consistent with 50 miles.  I ran 6 days with my longest run being 13 miles.  No workouts yet except for 4×8″ hill sprints.  I rode three times for about 50 minutes each.

4.26 – 5.2: I ran all 7 days this week and hit 60 miles with a 15 mile long run.  I did my first workout back, a short 2 loop tempo at my workout course in 14:41 (too fast…).  I increased the hill sprints to 4×10″ and rode once for 73 minutes.

As you can see, I took some time coming back.  I was in really good shape before my break so I knew that would transfer well into this block of training.

Mileage Progression:


Some readers may wonder why my weekly mileage made such dramatic leaps.  Let me fill everyone in on a little secret: the 10% rule is bogus!  For those who don’t know, the 10% rule states that you should only increase weekly mileage by 10% every week.  I’m going to address this in a future post, but for somebody like me who can comfortably run 60-70 miles per week, I can get back up to that mileage very quickly with no problems.  It’s at 75-80 where I have to take more precautions.

This training block was a good introduction back to running and also to cycling.  I’m doing a sprint triathlon during Memorial Day weekend so I want to get a little riding experience.  I have no goals for the race and I’m not going to train for the swim at all (I hate swimming).  I just want to have fun and see how quick I can come back in the 5k.

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