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Coming This Friday, 12/17: 52 Workouts, 52 Weeks, One Faster Runner

I started to write a post about all of the different workouts that I’ve run. It ended up being over 3,000 words long. So I kept writing, added a few more workouts, and now I have a free ebook for you!

I’m proud to report that I’m releasing a free guide on running workouts. Titled 52 Workouts, 52 Weeks, One Faster Runner, this guide includes a workout a week to help inspire you and get you out of a rut.

Check back here Friday, December 17 to get your free copy.

In the book, you’ll learn:

  • How to run faster by running longer
  • Why distance runners should sprint
  • What to do when the track is the last place you want to be
  • How to build stronger legs without going in the gym
  • When to have fun and cut loose
  • The kind of workouts that make you see God

The guide is over 7,000 words and 55 pages. It includes 52 workouts that you can run to spice up your training and bring it to the next level.

If you are in a rut with your training, curious what types of workouts I did in college, or want to know what type of sprinting workouts can make you a better distance runner then this guide is for you.

I’m not charging anything for this book, even though it took me about 30 hours to write. This is my way of saying thanks to my readers and to those who have helped and inspired me. I hope it will motivate more runners to design better training and run faster.

Let Me Know What You Think, and Then Help

After reading it, please let me know what you think! Would you like to see another guide on a different topic?

If you like what you see, it would be awesome if you could help me spread the word. I want to help as many runners as possible, so please share it with reckless abandon. Review and link to it on your site or drop a million copies from a plane. Whatever works.

I’m launching the book this Friday, but if you want early bird access then sign up for my newsletter and you’ll get it Thursday night. Stay tuned!

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