101 Simple Ways to be a Better Runner is now out! (Free custom Race Plans too!)

Today’s the day!

101 Simple Ways to be a Better Runner: A Short Guide to Running Faster, Preventing Injuries, and Feeling Great is now available on Amazon for the Kindle.

No Kindle? You can get the book as an instant PDF download here.

101 Ways to be a Better Runner

What to Expect

The book covers topics as diverse as:

  • Diet and nutrition (tea, vegetables, supplements, and more)
  • Workouts and Racing (pacing for hilly courses, barefoot running for injury prevention, when to run strides, etc.)
  • Recovery (compression socks, sleep, booze, plus more good stuff)
  • Too much more to list!

101 Simple Ways to be a Better Runner isn’t an academic book that’s 600 pages long. I found a LOT of those books on the bookshelves when I researched what was available.

Instead, this is your actionable guide to improving your running, one small change at a time. Each chapter has suggestions on how to improve your training, diet, and recovery to maximize your performances and just feel better on every single run. Isn’t that what we all want?

So if you’re looking for an in-depth analysis of the research supporting minimalist running shoes and the vertical loading rates of barefoot runners – this book isn’t for you. If you want to learn how insulin release after a high-carbohydrate meal triggers fat storage and how the Paleo diet prevents this – this book isn’t for you.

The fine print and footnotes of those detailed analyses are important but they’re not the focus of this book.

Rather than getting lost in the science, saying “that’s nice” and shutting off your Kindle, this book is intended to give you specific strategies in an easy to understand format. Then you’ll be able to take action and improve your running.

Need to change up your long run and don’t know what to do? I know plenty.

Curious about the best ways to improve your running form? No problem.

Want a new way to set goals? I’ve got two for you!

Don’t have a Kindle? No problem – just download the book now as a PDF.

101 Simple Ways to be a Better Runner – Table of Contents

Here’s the full table of contents so you can see what topics are covered (many more details in each chapter).

About the Author

About this Book

Workouts, Races, and Performance

Running Gear

The Runner’s Diet

Recovery and Injury Prevention

Motivation and Random Training Tips

Final Thoughts

I want to thank all of the runners who emailed me a topic idea or question. I included MANY of your ideas into this book and it wouldn’t be what it is today without your help!

Now that it’s finalized, I know it will answer your questions – because you helped me write it. Thank you for making this book so fun to create – I loved answering your questions.

How to get a free PR Race Plan

[Note: This giveaway is now oversign up to get notified about the next giveaway]

What’s a book launch without free stuff?

I’m giving away three PR Race Plans to celebrate the launch of 101 Ways to be a Better Runner. These are personalized training plans customized to your running history, fitness level, injury profile, goals, and schedule. With 20+ questions about your training, my Runner Questionnaire will have me diving deep into your background to make your plan the best it can be.

If you want a free training plan, enter the giveaway by buying the book and leaving a review on Amazon. Easy as pie.

The book is a fairly quick read so leave your review by Sunday, June 10. Make sure you email me by then and I’ll make sure you’re entered.

Can’t wait to choose the winners 🙂

Check out the book on Amazon here: 101 Simple Ways to be a Better Runner: A Short Guide to Running Faster, Preventing Injuries, and Feeling Great.

Remember, you can download the Kindle to PC app if you don’t have a Kindle to read it on your computer.

Questions about the book or the giveaway? Leave them in the comments below and I’ll clear everything up.


– Jason.

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