Now Open: The Strength Running Boot Camp

Drumroll, please!

Finally, I’m thrilled to announce that the Strength Running Boot Camp – a 4-week, step-by-step course to develop consistent running into a habit that sticks – is now accepting new members!

This is for runners who need a little extra help with making running something you “just do,” instead of constantly planning your run and skipping it.

SR Boot Camp
For 4 weeks, you’ll get daily strategies for using consistency – the secret sauce of good training – a permanent part of your running.

…even if you’re a total beginner.

…or injured.

…or have no idea where to start.

If this sounds familiar, the Boot Camp might be right for you:

I can maintain my training for awhile but then go through a phase of laziness and low motivation…

I’m really inconsistent with my strength work…and I’ve been injured for all of 2013…

I need to motivate myself back into consistency, but I always do too much, too soon…

This is your daily kick in the pants to finally accomplish more – with this 4-week program, you’ll learn specific coaching tactics to get healthy and boost your motivation to all new levels.

Week 1 shows you how to crush barriers preventing you from realizing your potential, create systems to make running easier, find more time to run, and learn when you should NOT run.

Week 2 is your motivation lightning round: set goals that excite you and plan deliberate inspiration in your running, how to “snowball” momentum, and avoid “double marathon syndrome.”

Week 3 is an injury prevention master class, with coaching on the specific strength exercises you need to stay healthy (and when to do them), advanced recovery techniques, and how to see if your training plan is keeping you injured.

Finally, week 4 focuses on high level topics like how to run barefoot (hint: it’s not what you think), specific workouts that reinforce proper running form, and the best way to approach nutrition for runners.

One more thing: The SR Boot Camp includes video lessons and worksheets that help you complete regular action items to supplement the course material.

But don’t worry, this course won’t burden you with daily, pointless homework.

Instead, you’ll get that gentle nudge to make running a constant in your life – the motivation you need to complete your strength workouts or the sense of achievement from constantly being consistent. It’s a powerful feeling and can make you feel successful. You’re deliberating completing something you set out to do.

If that’s your goal, then the SR Boot Camp may help. Check out all the details here, including a Q&A for any questions you might have:

How would your running change after just one “AHA!” moment?

The runners I work with in my 1-on-1 coaching program get unlimited coaching communication from me – and I prioritize their emails before anyone else.

They’re able to ask me all those questions most runners spend weeks researching, like:

What’s a good strength training routine that I can use with my running schedule?

How do I give myself a break from running without feeling guilty?

What are a few training techniques for improving my running form?

How do I deal with mental fatigue/boredom? I’m getting sick of running!

Imagine what it would be like to finally get answers to these questions – delivered straight to your email every day? (These questions are ALL answered in the Boot Camp – and a lot more)

Just one answer could save you months of injury, or training the wrong way, or fighting constant aches and pains.

Besides, who has the time or energy to spend hours doing research after work?

Ask Yourself One Thing…

Before you check out the details on the Boot Camp page, ask yourself just one question:

If I’ve been stuck with inconsistency, low motivation, or persistent injuries, have I taken action to get out of my rut?

If not, the Boot Camp might be your ticket to finally feeling stronger and more accomplished about your running.

I say “might be” because it’s not a silver bullet that will automatically make you faster and injury-proof with endless motivation.

No, I don’t make those kind of guarantees.

But if you take action today, use the daily lessons and implement the coaching advice, in just four weeks you could be an entirely new runner. Stronger, more powerful, and confident.

I also want to mention I made this course as affordable as possible (in fact, it’s less expensive than anything I’ve ever offered before).

That’s because I want to push you to take action with your running. No more “someday.” No more “I just gotta figure this out…” No more “I’ll do it later when…” The best time to do something is yesterday. The second best time is today.

This is an unusual program for me. We’re going to cover new ways to think about time management, training flexibility, and other topics I’ve never covered before. Pioneer Members of the Boot Camp are going to see the same strategies I use myself to set annual mileage PR’s, take more than 5 minutes off my marathon best to run 2:39:32, and stay healthy for nearly four years.

Get all the details –  pricing, weekly lesson previews, and more – here:

I hope to see you on the inside!

Get Stronger & Run Healthy

Join our free course to help you better prevent injuries, develop runner-specific strength, and avoid the big mistakes that get runners hurt.