Want to Hang Out Soon? 3 Ways to See Me This Spring

It’s going to be a busy spring season – and I’d love you to be a part of it!

There are three events coming up that you’re welcomed to attend. There will be more of these as SR grows – and I want to meet as many of you as possible.

Boston Marathon

First, a little background…

When I was just getting started with running, I nearly quit during WEEK ONE! So many factors worked against me:

  • I labeled myself as someone who “hated running” (during track & field week in middle school I threw the shotput to avoid running – can you imagine a more hilarious sight than my 110 pound frame throwing a huge metal ball?)
  • I couldn’t finish a 3-mile run and walked the rest of the way back to practice, embarrassed as I compared myself to the upperclassmen who could seemingly run for hours easily
  • That 2.5 mile run left me as sore as my first marathon – for a week

Why am I telling you this? Because if most runners had that experience, they’d hang up their running shoes and never run again. But I had one important thing going for me that many others don’t: a support network.

I wasn’t alone. When I had questions, I had two coaches to ask for advice. When the thought of quitting surfaced, there were 20+ people that supported me and told me to stick with it.

And nearly 16 years later, running is an integral part of my life. One of my many goals with Strength Running is to help make running a healthy part of your life, too.

This spring I want to help you develop your support network. And there are three ways I’m bringing runners together, sharing my coaching advice, and coming out to help your running.

The DC Fit Conference

First up is DC Fit!DC Fit

On April 5th, I’ll be a panelist on a Half Marathon Training Panel at the DC Fit Conference in Washington, DC. It’s being held at Long View Gallery from 10am – 3pm.

DC Fit is a boutique health and fitness expo that includes fitness classes, healthy living panels and an expo where you can try out new products.

The panel is only 30 minutes but I plan on spending time afterward to take personal questions from attendees.

If you would like to attend, you can buy your ticket here. Use code “StrengthRunning” to get 15% off your ticket.

Here’s a short Q&A I did with them on running in DC, building endurance, and fueling. Makes me excited to take runner’s questions at the conference!

The Boston Marathon Meetup

Last year I hosted a Strength Running meetup on Saturday before the Boston Marathon and it was a big hit. About 30 runners showed up and we had a great time talking race strategy, training, and trading war stories from our marathon experiences.

And of course, we enjoyed a few adult beverages!

This year I’m hosting another meetup on Saturday, 4/19 at Clarke’slocated in Fanueil Hall at 21 Merchant’s Row.

Join me anytime from 4-7pm for a pre-dinner drink. They’ve generously provided space for us in the back bar area so we can avoid the crowds.

Clarke’s boasts:

  • The “largest and cleanest ladies rooms in Boston” (weird, but nice)
  • $3 beer specials every day
  • A menu with everything from kabobs to salads to fish tacos

With all that, how can we go wrong?

I’d like to provide Clarke’s with an estimated number of attendees, so if you’re planning on attending (do it!) sign up here:

I’ll also send you any updated information and a reminder before the meetup.

Runner’s World Heartbreak Hill Half & Festival

Finally, want to race a 5k with me?

Runner’s World has invited me to participate in their Heartbreak Hill Half & Festival from June 6 -8, 2014 in Boston this year. There’ll be a pre-race pasta dinner with the editors of RW, seminars, and a keynote by Paralympic star Sarah Reinertsen.

What’s more fun is that there’ll be talks given by famous runners like Shalane Flanagan, Dean Karnazes, and Bart Yasso.

The festival includes a 5k, 10k (both on Saturday) and a half marathon (on Sunday). You’re able to enter any race, or both the 5k and 10k, or a “hat trick” of all three races. You can register here.

Runner’s World has also allowed me to share discount codes if you’d like to register:

  • For 10% off either the 5k or 10k, use code blogstrengthrunning5&10
  • For 10% off the half marathon, use code blogstrengthrunningHalf
  • For 10% off the “hat trick,” use code blogstrengthrunningHat

I’ll be attending the pre-race dinner and also running the 5k on Saturday. Since it will only be about 6 weeks after I race the Boston Marathon, I won’t be doing this at a 100% effort.

So I want to do something fun that I’ve never done before: if you would like me to personally pace you for the 5k, just shoot me an email. I’ll randomly choose one person and we’ll work together to help you run a new PR (assuming that you’re slower than I am, of course)!

Here’s to an amazing spring racing season! Run strong and have fun.

– Jason.

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