Announcing the Gear Junkie Giveaway (worth $500!)

Have you ever looked back at pictures of yourself and cringed? Yeah, me too.

When I started running, I wore basketball shoes, long mesh shorts and a cotton t-shirt. It was a fashion disaster – Tim Gunn would have had a heart attack.

But I didn’t know any better. Who knew there were fancy synthetic shirts that wick sweat and function-first shorts that make running easier? Certainly not me!

And over the years, I’ve spent a fortune amassing quite the collection of high-end running gear.

I have four foam rollers.

My collection of running shoes astounds even my two-year old:

Smelly Shoes

I have insoles that track pressure points and ergonomic handheld water bottles for long runs in the mountains.

Things have gotten a lot more expensive over the years.

But as shoes are now regularly $100+ and wearable technology is becoming more commonplace, I want to make things easier for you.

That’s why I’m excited to announce Strength Running’s next big giveaway!

Announcing The Gear Junkie Giveaway

I’m giving away a $500 shopping spree to Road Runner Sports so you can buy all the fancy gear your geeky running heart desires.

No catch – just enter the giveaway here.

I love RRS because they have a “90 Day Test Run” policy for their VIP members, allowing you to buy a pair of shoes, run in them for up to 90 days, and return them if you don’t like them.

It’s perfect if you’re trying new shoes and aren’t sure if they’ll fit right.

They also carry all sorts of other gear that I find very useful, like:

  • watches, heart rate monitors, and scales
  • foam rollers, trigger point balls, and other massage tools
  • energy bars, drinks, and gels
  • compression gear, sunglasses, and hydration packs

It’s my go-to store whenever I’m buying running gear. And I want you to get all the gear you need.

As Strength Running grows, I’ve made more and more investments for you (high-quality video, better design, more advanced technology, and yes… even giveaways!).

It’s my way of saying thanks for being here. I appreciate your attention and passion for running and today I’m paying it forward.

Also, you can earn hundreds of entries by referring your running friends, club, or team – each referral gets you another 10 entries!

Enter the giveaway here. Good luck!

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