The #1 Way to Reach All of Your Running Goals

I’ve been coaching runners since 2010 – and I’m in awe of how many lives I’ve touched over the years. SR has been visited by over 6,000,000 people from almost every country in the world:

Strength Running International

I’m coming for you Turkmenistan!

Knowing that my coaching guidance is seen by hundreds of thousands of runners every month is humbling. It’s a big responsibility.

This level of exposure also gives me a unique insight into some of the toughest questions surrounding the topic of improvement:

  • How do I run a faster [5k, marathon, obstacle course race, ultramarathon, etc.]?
  • Why am I so inconsistent? How can I run consistently and actually enjoy it?
  • How do I have more motivation to go after all of my running goals?

These are enormously difficult questions. But the trend I’ve seen over the last six years – and indeed, since I started running in 1998 – shows a fairly straightforward path to success.

It’s not a particular workout. You won’t be the runner you want to be with the latest model of shoe (despite what Nike wants you to believe…). And no, the newest issue of your favorite running magazine won’t give you the “secret.”

Instead, the solution to reaching all of your running goals is immersion:

Immerse yourself in the sport to give yourself every advantage and chance of success.

That is the single best strategy for achieving all of your big goals. Surround yourself with support, education, and good advice and it becomes much more difficult to fail.

Today I want to give you a sneak peak inside Team Strength Running – the most affordable coaching program with unparalleled support, personal training, and ongoing running education that exists today.

If you want to immerse yourself in running (and truly see what you’re capable of achieving), then you’ll want to learn more about Team SR.

The Genesis of Team SR

I always knew that I wanted to coach a team. But how do you get a group of runners together who live around the world? Just take a look at where current teammates live:

Team Strength Running Locations

I also knew that coaching hundreds of runners at once was impossible.

The solution ended up costing more than $10,000 but it worked: I hired a team of developers to create software that allows any runner to create their own personal training plan by answering a few simple questions.

More than a year later, there’s now proprietary software inside Team SR that builds a plan tailored to a runner’s fitness level, goal race, ability, and other factors like the purpose of the plan and your age.

Then, you combine a custom training plan with:

  • A network of other runners you can turn to for advice, support, to share stories with, and publicly announce your goals
  • Ongoing coaching guidance (we used to do a coaching call every month – now we do two per month)
  • A new interview with a leading expert in the running industry
  • Team discounts on gear, programs, and more

Failure is now far more difficult. Motivation is abundant. Confidence in your goals – and your training – is at an all-time high.

Just look at Paul noticing the “rash of PR’s” on the team:


And we’ve only been running the team for about two months! Imagine where these runners will be six months from now?

The best part of the team is the community. And every day it seems that a new training record, finish time, or distance is reached.

Now that’s the power of immersing yourself in running.

What’s New on the Team

Even though the team has only been around for two months, we’ve been hard at work to make the program more and more valuable.

My goal is to make the team more valuable every month than the month before. And we’ve added many resources to the team in the last few months.

Every month, I pull in a running expert to deep dive into a particular topic:

Interview Guest Collage

Ben Greenfield

In January, I interviewed Ben Greenfield – voted as the top personal trainer in the United States and one of the world’s most influential people in health and fitness in 2013 and 2014 – about injury prevention.

His many books include:

Our wide-ranging conversation included how to optimize your sleep, eat for maximum recovery, and the tools and gadgets he uses to stay healthy.

Erin Beresini

In February, I sat down with Erin Beresini – an Outside journalist and former Senior Editor at Competitor Magazine – to discuss the nuances of OCR.

She’s the author of Off Course: Inside the Mad, Muddy World of Obstacle Course Racing and has contributed to major media like Triathlete, espnW, and the New York Times.

Her many athletic accomplishments include Ultraman Canada, 4x Ironman, Xterra AG World Champ, Zion 100 Mile Trail Run, CA Triple Crown, Solo 24hr MTB, Boston qualified marathoner, Spartan Ultra Beast, and Tough Mudder finishes.

Alex Hutchinson

In March, I interviewed Sweat Science columnist Alex Hutchinson about the future of performance. In this highly actionable conversation, we talked about how to really improve: what works? What’s misguided? How can average runners like us learn from elite athletes?

Alex is on the front-line of new research into endurance and performance so I was thrilled he spent nearly 90 minutes on this topic.

He’s also the author of Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? and is a former national-class runner for Canada.

Travis Macy

And just a few days ago, I added a fantastic interview about mastering your mindset with Travis Macy – a professional ultra-endurance athlete who’s completed over 120 ultra events in 17 countries.

His book The Ultra Mindset is an invaluable resource for runners hoping to get the most from their bodies and minds. He’s the course record holder for Leadman and has more podium finishes than I can count.

Each interview can be downloaded (perfect for listening to while you run) and includes a transcript.

Training Resources

In the last two months, there has been a lot of improvements within the members area as well.

Not only do current members get a new interview every month, but I also hold coaching calls so you can ask your own personal running questions. Each live video call is then recorded and added to the Archive – we now have three that can be watched on-demand.

Even though you can build an unlimited number of custom training plans, there’s also a training plan library that includes:

  • 12 training plans that prioritize injury prevention
  • 3 training plans that focus on weight loss
  • 8 training plans for busy runners that only focus on the fundamentals
  • 6 ultramarathon training plans
  • PDF instructions for 11 updated and new strength, core, and warm-up routines

No matter your goal, there’s a plan for you (and I’m happy to add more based on your goals!).

How to Join the Team

Strength Running Team

Team Strength Running is closed right now – but I’ll be opening it soon. Just sign up here to learn more (only runners on this special list will hear about it).

As SR grows, it’s important to me to help as many runners as possible with smarter training, more consistent personal bests, and confidence in your running.

Team SR is how I can directly help more runners with the most affordable pricing available. While other coaching programs can cost anywhere from $50 – $300 per month, I’m proud that our pricing is far lower.

And with results like this, I know our runners will be on the team for as long as they love the sport:

“The camaraderie of Team Strength Running has been sooo helpful in staying consistent! Getting to see the success and struggles of parallel journeys makes me want to put in the hard work even more.” – Tracey

“I’ve experienced consistency with a varied, progressive plan. Along with the teammates and coaching calls, I’ve become stronger, smarter and supported. Jason’s input, and runners with experience and similar goals, has been invaluable to my training. I’ve achieved more than I’d hoped, and I’m motivated to improve beyond my original expectations.” – Lyndell

“The training plan has introduced me to new types of runs and different workouts that have me excited about running again. Although I was already doing injury prevention exercises, having it all laid out feels much more focussed and that I’m training the *right* way.

Combining this with the coaching calls provides a very clear, runner-specific direction of how to train.” – Corwin

Are you ready to immerse yourself and give yourself every advantage to succeed? I invite you to learn more about the team – and I hope you’re our next success story!

Get Stronger & Run Healthy

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