Tina Muir Cohosts the Podcast to Answer Your Running Questions

If you’re like most runners, every so often you’ll have a big question pop up. It might be about an injury, upcoming race, or how to tackle your training. But who do you ask?

mountain runnning

Not everyone starts running on a team with multiple coaches. But modern life has given rise to new technology that allows any runner to connect with a coach virtually.

You don’t need to live nearby or have the flexibility to meet for a run on your coach’s terms. And you certainly don’t need to mortgage your house or have a professional shoe contract to get that coach!

It’s an incredible time to be a runner – particularly because you can now get your running questions quickly answered.

Over the years, I’ve made the effort to always be available to answer your questions:

  • Strength Running’s YouTube channel has 120+ videos with a lot of Q&A
  • Members of Team SR submit their own questions to our monthly guest expert interview
  • My 1-on-1 coaching clients have unlimited access to me (how can you limit coaching communication?!)

Engaging with runners in Q&A is one of the most effective ways of giving back to the running community, spreading knowledge about our wonderful sport, and helping as many runners as possible with their training.

Today is no different! I’m tackling about a dozen questions on the latest episode of the Strength Running Podcast.

But I’m not alone – I’m joined by a cohost to help give you a more nuanced perspective on each question.

Running Q&A with Tina Muir

Please welcome pro runner, coach, and podcast host Tina Muir! She’s helping me answer the running questions, brain teasers, and riddles that runners submitted over the past month.

You might recognize Tina from Episode 31 of the podcast. She’s an 11-time All-American athlete and elite athlete for Great Britain who’s run in two British Olympic Trials.

Tina recently overcame amenorrhea by taking a break from training, had a daughter, and is now returning to competitive running.

But we’re not here to talk about Tina. We’re here to talk about YOUR questions, problems, and struggles.

In this conversation, we’re discussing:

  • If you can only run a few times per week, should those runs all be “hard?”
  • Do compression socks actually work?
  • How do you advance beyond walking to run all of your miles?
  • What are the most important things to remember when training for a Ragnar Relay?
  • How do you pace a long run?
  • And a lot more!

Subscribe to the SR Podcast on iTunes. Or if you’re not using an iPhone, use the Stitcher platform.

Show Resources & Links:

Please also join me in thanking our sponsor for this episode: Route Pepper! They’re a new route planning app for iOS-devices that allows you to create a running route and get directions from your headphones.

If you travel a lot, you know how difficult it can be to find a good place to run and then not get lost when you go out running. Route Pepper helps you plan road or off-road runs from the app itself or your computer.

Just upload the route and you’re all set – it will work anywhere in the world (no mobile data required), the app integrates with any smartwatch that supports notifications, and it’s absolutely free to download.

Check them out here and start running without stopping for directions!

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