Confronting Inequality, with Black Girls RUN! CEO Jay Ell Alexander

Many of us started running in pursuit of health and overall wellness. We love the physical challenge and, deep down, we are driven by the belief that running is “good for you”.

The benefits of running span everything from physical to mental strength, a sense of belonging, and the achievement of personal goals. We are lucky to participate in a sport that contributes so much to our lives and hope that more people can be a part of this community.

The Privilege of Running

While running can certainly be hard, many of us overlook that is it a privilege. Myself included. We often get caught up in what we have to do (make time to run, push hard in a workout, plan logistics for a race, etc.), rather than the fact that we get to do it.

Sadly, many people don’t even get to participate. They may not have the flexibility in their work schedule, they may be lacking financial resources to get the proper gear, or they may simply feel that this sport is not for them.

These are common themes in Black communities who are disproportionately suffering the health consequences.

Getting to run, and working out in general, is the start of a positive cycle that contributes to our overall health.

Weight loss is a common goal that I see with people who are starting out to run. But beyond that, runners often address healthy eating habits and improve other aspects of their lives such as sleep while trying to improve their physical performance.

Looking at the obesity statistics for African Americans, it is clear that they are not getting the same boost in health – and running can help to change that.

Black Girls RUN!


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Jay Ell Alexander recognizes the large disparity in access and support for Black women who want to run. She has been involved with the Black Girls RUN! organization since 2012 and is now the CEO.

Black Girls RUN! brings people together to support African-American women in living healthy lifestyles. They provide resources, motivation, support, and organize events to encourage women runners.

Today we’re talking with Jay Ell to learn more about the company, some of the root causes of injustice, and what steps we can take to make a positive difference.

Jay Ell Alexander – Runner, Mother, CEO, and Much More

Jay Ell Alexander CEO of Black Girls RUN!

Jay Ell Alexander wears many hats – she is a Public Relations Strategist, CEO of Black Girls RUN!, founder and CEO of The Vaughn Strategy, mother, and traveller.

Jay Ell has been an active runner since 2010 and sees it as a great avenue for positive change in our society.

Runners Supporting Equality

This conversation is just the beginning. I am honored to have the chance to bring it to my audience and use my platform to share what we can all do to support the Black community.

I hope you find value in this episodes as we discuss:

  • The root of injustice in our society
  • The power of representation
  • What it takes to support minority runners
  • The steps that we can all take to create change
  • And how to use our “power for good”

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Thank You PATH Projects!

Path Projects

PATH Projects continues to be a great supporter of this podcast! I’m grateful for their partnership and want to share more about their products – I think you’ll love them as much as I do.

PATH Projects is an online-only retailer of high-quality running gear and apparel. That means there is no retail markup, making their products quite affordable.

Currently, I’m wearing the Sykes 5″ Shorts (see them in action in this video) but I’m excited that they are coming out with a 3″ version of the shorts. If you know me, you won’t be surprised that I’m really excited about this! I know they will be my go-to shorts for running.

PATH uses new technical fabrics and innovations to create award-winning apparel for endurance athletes. In fact, their Brim shorts and Tahoe base liner won Runner’s World’s 2018 Gear of the Year award. And the Pyrinees hoodie was named one of the best six sweatshirts for running in the cold by Gear Patrol.

You know you’ll be wearing the best when you select PATH Projects!

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