Ultrarunner Candice Burt on Running 800 Miles, Hallucinating, and Discovering Yourself

Do you dare to dream big? Do you set out to achieve something that seems impossible? Or do you prefer to progress methodically, then see where you wind up?

Arizona Trail with Candice Burt

In truth, neither approach is superior. Talking of the impossible is inspiring, but doesn’t inherently lead to action. Taking small steps is the reliable, though admittedly less sexy, way to achieving any goal.

Many of my own goals have come from hearing stories of incredible athletic pursuits, adjusting to what seems accessible to me, and breaking down the daily and weekly steps I need to get there.

The Strength Running Podcast has been proudly bringing stories of triumph and the challenges that go alongside. Our guests offer unique perspectives and have amazing experiences to share.

Today’s guest is no different. I don’t doubt that you’ll come away inspired and maybe even catch yourself thinking – can I run an ultra?

Candice Burt Invites You to an Adventure Race

Candice Burt is an ultra runner and the founder of Destination Trail Run, an organization that puts on the Triple Crown of 200 milers as well as other trail and ultra marathon races.

Candice Burt holds the FKT – or Fastest Known Time – on the 171-mile Tahoe Rim Trail, the 95-mile Wonderland Trail, and the 20-mile Enchantment Lakes Traverse. She won the Delirious W.E.S.T. 200-mile (which is actually 219 miles) and placed 4th at the HURT100 Endurance Run in 2019. She also has podium finishes at countless ultras over the years.

Along with working out the arrangements for this year’s races, Candice is currently getting ready to cover the Arizona Trail, which is 800 miles long. She shares details of her planning, logistics, and other intricacies of what it takes to run for weeks on end.

In our conversation, we also cover topics on:

  • Safety and comfort out on the Arizona Trail
  • Gear considerations for runs and nights out in the wild
  • What inspires the athletes that inspire us
  • How Candice went about organizing her first ultra race
  • The cost and logistics of putting on long races

Candice describes the allure of running adventures so eloquently. Listen to this clip where she describes how she and nature become inseparable after hours of running:

Candice is filled with energy and passion for what she does. Check out the full episode below and you’ll be sure to come away inspired.

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