Get to Know the Coach: An Interview with Strength Running Founder Jason Fitzgerald

Jason Fitzgerald is the creative force, head coach, founder, and podcast host behind all things Strength Running. He grew the humble blog to a media platform with resources for all runners. Today, we sit down with Jason to learn more!

Jason interview

If you are reading this, I hope you have your own story to tell of how Strength Running has helped you. Please share in the comments below so we can inspire each other to find the tools necessary to propel our running forward.

Beyond being a business-owner, Jason is a family guy with 3 kids, husband to his very supportive wife, and, of course, he’s a runner. To learn more about the various aspects of Jason’s life and get a behind-the-scenes view on Strength Running, we sat down for an interview with him.

Humble Beginnings

Jason started running in 1998 in high school, after being a basketball player until that point. Very quickly, his focus on running became clear and he knew that he wanted to continue with the sport in some capacity. He registered the domain name “Strength Running” far before he knew what was to become of it.

He didn’t set out to be an entrepreneur. He was pursuing a passion project that set the trajectory for his life. He started out by creating strengthening routines after his own injury post-marathon, which resonated for many other runners.

From there, Jason grew the Strength Running community incrementally by offering valuable resources, actionable steps for recovery, and his own coaching as a service.

Behind the Curtain at Strength Running

The YouTube channel, Instagram account, and Twitter all came as Jason found new audiences to connect with. He also provides a number of programs, including the popular Injury Prevention for Runners and High Performance Lifting.

In addition to all this, Jason hosts Team Strength Running – an engaged community of runners who cheer each other on while getting the resources they need to propel their running forward. And of course, there is the Strength Running Podcast, which is where we’re catching up with Jason today.

In this interview, Jason shares more details about:

  • Why he stuck with running in his early years
  • The positive impact that different coaches have had on him
  • The ups and downs of Jason’s own running career
  • Running post college and how his focus shifted
  • How Strength Running went from a passion project to a full time job
  • Wisdom for those wanting to become entrepreneurs

He draws many parallel between sport and business and offers this advice for those pursuing any big project:

We wrap up with some thoughts from Jason on where he wants to take his running and, of course, the future of Strength Running. There are many great things on the horizon.

Listen to the full podcast below and don’t forget to leave a comment about how this community has impacted your running. None of this would be possible without you – we’re grateful that you’re here!

Subscribe to the podcast in iTunesSpotifyStitcheriHeartRadio, or Google Play.

Links & Resources from the Show:

Thank you beam!

beam logo

Our newest sponsor is beam, one of my newest favorite companies! They have a great offer for the Strength Running community so don’t miss out on 15% off your order with code JASON!

The two products that I’m enjoying the most are their Elevate Variety Pack and Dream, their sleep-promoting mix. The Elevate options include Balance, with prebiotics and probiotics for a happy gut, Energy with a small amount of natural caffeine, and Recovery with collagen and amino acids.

Dream is a powder that tastes like cinnamon hot cocoa and it helps you get a better sleep. It has THC-free CBD, melatonin, magnesium, l-theanine, and other compounds that help you rest more quickly and easily. I have trouble sleeping and this has made a huge difference in the quality of my sleep.

Beam’s products are low in sugar, taste great, and use responsibly sourced ingredients. They are offering 15% off your order with the code “JASON” (not case sensitive). Couple that with a subscription and your first month’s savings will be 35%!

Sleep better, recover faster, what’s not to love? Check them out at

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