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Mental Toughness Masterclass: Dr. Lara Pence on How to Master Your Mindset

This could be the most important skill set for any runner to develop: Mental toughness.

Dr. Lara Pence is a licensed clinical psychologist and MBA. She specializes in elite and professional athlete development to optimize wellness and performance both in sport and in life. She works with a wide range of athletes, from NFL players to trail running champions and from PGA tour members to Olympic medalists.

Plus, Lara is the founder of The Coaches Collective. This program teaches ambitious sport coaches how to coach from a whole-person, psychologically grounded perspective. She is the co-author of “10 Rules for Resilience: Mental Toughness for Families” and was a regular on CNBC’s No Retreat: Business Bootcamp.

Lara talks mental toughness
Dr. Lara Pence is a licensed clinical psychologist, author, runner, and therapist to pro athletes and executives.

I wanted to have Lara on the podcast to discuss all things mental toughness: what it is (let’s face it, we can make it mean almost anything), what it most definitely is not, what undermines mental toughness, the role of experience in building this prized mental skill, and a lot more.

But first, a big announcement! In early 2025, I’ll be conducting a live workshop on mental toughness training. I want to work with a small group of runners who have a winter or spring goal race and want to improve their mental toughness.

We’re going to have an online seminar where I’ll present exactly what mental toughness is, how you can improve it via a variety of strategies, how to plan this kind of mental toughness training directly into your running, and live Q&A. Get on the interest list here.

Dr. Lara Pence on How You Can Build Mental Toughness Today

mental toughness expert Dr. Lara Pence
Dr. Lara Pence knows a lot about mental toughness from  her work with professional and everyday athletes alike.

In this episode, Dr. Lara Pence and I talk about:

  • The “3Rs” framework: Recover, Rebound, and Reignite
  • The surprising pieces of mental toughness that don’t always come to mind
  • Positive problem solving tools to use on the run
  • The mental similarities between pro and everyday athletes
  • Why being curious is a huge advantage to runners
  • Individualizing mental toughness training
  • How to effectively use mantras while running

Got a friend signed up for a race next year? They’ll thank you if you send them this episode!

Subscribe to the podcast in Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, or iHeartRadio.

Links & Resources from the Show:

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Thank you to 2Before!

We are supported by 2Before, a powerful sports supplement made from New Zealand Blackcurrants designed to increase endurance, manage inflammation, support immunity, and promote adaptation. 2Before helps to boost performance by increasing blood flow, making it more efficient for the body to pump oxygenated nutrient-rich blood into the muscles.

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Thank you to 2Before for supporting Strength Running!

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