The last few months on Strength Running have been crazy. I’ve been getting more emails from readers, newsletter sign-ups, overall website traffic, and comments than ever before. Thank you for making this a special place for runners to hang out.

Even though traffic is growing substantially, I still try to respond to every tweet, email, and Facebook message as soon as possible. I hope to continue doing this indefinitely – chatting about running and high-quality training is what I love doing, so keep it coming! As the site grows from its humble beginnings over a year ago, I want to be clear about who I am, what this site is all about, and who this site is for.
First, I’m a runner just like you. I ran in high school and college and I continue to train now. I race frequently, won a handful of races in 2010, and love helping other runners achieve their best through the coaching programs that I offer. My goals for 2011 include dominating the Philadelphia Marathon. I ran 2:44 a few years ago at the New York City Marathon and I hope to run under 2:40 this November.
“Why not go out on a limb? Isn’t that where the fruit is?” – Frank Scully
I realize that I’m not a world-class runner. Some may consider me fast while others consider me an average competitive runner. That’s okay with me. I run because I love it and I write at Strength Running because helping you run faster makes me warm and fuzzy inside.
That’s me. So who are you? Let me tell you who this site is for:
- Runners who are just starting out and want practical advice about distance running. No, I’m not going to tell you to do the run/walk method. I think you can do better.
- Runners who have been at it for a year or two but have hit a plateau. Let’s clear that hurdle and dominate.
- Runners who think that success in running helps breed success in other areas of life. Success for athletics translates to success in more than just running.
- Runners who are tired of being injured and want to consistently run pain free. Welcome aboard.
- Runners who realize that successful running is about more than just running. Being a well-rounded athlete is crucial to realizing your potential.
If you’re looking for a “get fast quick” solution then this site is not for you. Thanks for stopping by, though. Strength Running is especially for runners who want to work hard, who are patient, and are willing to go the extra mile.
Earlier this year I talked about how 2011 is the Year of the PR. Have you run a PR yet this year? What’s holding you back? I know too many runners who constantly think about what they should be doing to be faster but they never do it: more core work, longer long runs, a better overall training plan, sleeping more, smarter gym sessions, harder workouts… the list goes on.
Let Strength Running help you become the runner you want to be. That’s what this site is all about: helping you reach your potential.
When one of my runners runs faster than they ever have or lets me know about a great workout they finished, I feel proud. I’m happy for their accomplishment, I’m happy that I’m doing a good job, and I’m hopeful that more runners will realize that running doesn’t have to be so hard. Do the little things, train smart, and success will follow.
The Strength Running Vision and Helping You Get Faster
The Strength Running Vision outlines the 7 most important principles of being a Strength Runner:
- Take action and get it done.
- Have big goals and know how to accomplish them.
- Smart training = fewer injuries.
- Fast running is about more than just running.
- Minimalism is a tool.
- Running is fun.
- Community matters.
My goal is to help you get faster, prevent more injuries, and enjoy running for the pure expression of vitality that it embodies. Email me anytime at and let me know what struggles you’re having, a post topic you’d like me to cover, or anything else on your mind. This site is about YOU, after all.
I hope you’re ready to take action and be the runner that you want to be. This post is supposed to motivate you to get your ass in gear, train smart, set big goals, and focus on what’s important. How can I help you dominate your current running goal?
If you’re interested, I’d love for you to sign up for the Strength Running team. You can also get instant updates via RSS. I’m planning some big things this coming year and I hope you’re here for them. I promise that it will be awesome.