Happy Birthday SR! Let’s celebrate with something weird…

Over two years ago, I started Strength Running.

And today, I just want to thank you for coming along for the ride.

Happy Birthday Strength Running

I started SR because I thought I had a message that could help runners improve their training, their race times, and their outlook on running. After running 2:44 at the NYC Marathon, I spent 6 months eating ice cream on my couch with a severe ITBS injury.

Four physical therapists and about 50 hours of research later, I was finally healthy but in miserable shape. Fitness came slowly but my training was completely redesigned – both on a day-to-day and long-term basis.

Now, I haven’t had a major injury in over three years. I ran 2:39 recently in the marathon and feel great with my running. But more importantly, I started this site to help runners like you.

In fact, it all started with this post. It’s not perfect. But you never have to be perfect to start – you just need to take that first step.

And actually, Strength Running really started in 2007 when I bought the domain name (I just thought it sounded cool). I put up a simple website for online coaching in 2009 – way before I should have. It sat there for a year until the real SR launched in April of 2010.

Since then I’ve had a blast helping runners destroy their personal bests, finally get healthy from overuse injuries, and design better training so they can enjoy their running every day.

Today’s Weird Celebration

Most of you know that 2012 is the Year of Stretch Goals. With that in mind, I want to announce an odd event: Name Your Price Weekend! This means that you can name your own price for either the Plateau Buster or the PR Race Plan (standard or Premium versions). If you haven’t gotten one yet, now’s your chance if cash is tight.

You might be wondering what a “Premium” PR Race Plan is. I just started offering a video option where we can chat 1-on-1 about your plan, running questions, and race goals. It’s another way that I can include better service for you (talking one on one is always better, too).

If you’re wondering how they’ve helped other runners, check out:

Here’s the deal: You know I can’t accept every offer, like “one penny! haha I showed you Jason!” or “a six-pack of Busch Light!” It has to be fair for you and for me.

On Wednesday at 1:30pm Eastern I’m going to email the full details to my private list. You have until then to sign up. Then there will be a limited time when you can name your own price and get a discounted coaching service to help you with your running.

If you’re interested, sign up here or in the box at the end of this post.

I love helping you out and doing everything I can to make sure you can keep improving. This is one small way I can say thank you for reading Strength Running over the years. It’s been an honor and a true pleasure to help so many of you reach your goals.

Whether you buy something from me, leave comments on posts you like, email me with a question, share a post via Facebook, or just like to get my emails – thank you.

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