Q&A with Coach: Running Surfaces, Sunglasses, and Seasonal Running

Welcome to the second episode of Q&A with Coach!

QA with Coach Episode 2

I’m absolutely loving this show – and I hope you’re finding value in getting your questions answered and hearing other runner’s questions as well. Learning from others (just like in school) can be a helpful experience.

In today’s episode, I answer four questions about sunglasses, coming back to running after being sick, how to split your time on the trails before a road marathon, and how to take advantage of the seasons to race faster.

Rather than answering these questions on Twitter, I like giving a more detailed, nuanced answer that can help you even more with your running.

Ready? Let’s get to it.

Q&A with Coach: Episode 2!

Show notes & Time-stamps:

:30 — Why I recorded this episode TWICE (I’m so great at making mistakes…)

:40 — How do you return to running and a 5k race after being out with a cold for two weeks?

3:27 — How do you take advantage of the seasons while training?

5:35 — Do I wear sunglasses when I run?

6:20 — How should you split your time on the trails and roads before a half marathon or marathon race?

9:35 — Get your question on the show!

9:59 — Blooper: how to NOT start a show…

Want your question answered?

I’m trying to get as many questions as possible on the show and I’d love to answers yours, too. Just in case you missed Episode 1, you can watch it here.

Tweet your question to me on Twitter and use the hashtag #RunQuestion and I’d love to help you with your running.

This show is about me connecting with runners and giving free advice, so don’t be shy. Shoot me your question no matter how silly, off topic, basic, or advanced!

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