The Holiday Running Gift Guide (and SR’s first t-shirt!)

When I recently asked which type of runner you were on Facebook, most identified with the gear junkie:

Gear Junkie

But running gear isn’t something I discuss much at Strength Running because I think you can train effectively without any fancy gadgets.

Learning to run by feel or by “performance-based paces” is superior to relying on a heart rate monitor.

You don’t need  to buy the $180 pair of niche running shoes or upgrade your Garmin every six months with the latest model.

But… new running toys are fun. Runners LOVE to indulge their passion by playing with the latest technology.

Even though I consider myself a gear minimalist, there are some new toys that I’ve been playing with recently that I think you would love.

So with the holidays quickly approaching, I want to share some of my favorite running gifts: gadgets, services, products, and even Strength Running’s first t-shirt.

Running Gift #1: Strength Running T-Shirts

Running t-shirts

I’ve never before offered t-shirts before, and for good reason: buying in bulk and shipping them myself is exorbitantly expensive, time-consuming, and not what I want to spend my time doing.

More importantly, I want to spend my time creating articles, videos, and training resources that actually help you become a better runner.

But I know t-shirts are fun! And during a recent survey, a huge number of you wanted SR gear – so I’m making it happen. Spreadshirt is doing the heavy lifting, a company that lets small businesses like Strength Running offer shirts with no upfront costs.

Check out our t-shirt store. These are 100% unique to SR and you can’t find them anywhere else.

If you’ve ever wanted to show your SR pride, now’s your chance with this year’s hottest running gift (I’m being optimistic).

Check out the fit, style, and sizes at the Strength Running gear shop.

Gift Idea #2: Improve Your Technique with a Running Form Analysis

This gift is a double whammy: an interactive video course on proper running form plus a personalized analysis of your running form.

The Running Form Course explains the science of sound technique and helps you identify flaws in your own form. With a simple series of strength exercises, cues, and  drills you’ll improve your efficiency, reduce your injury risk, and get a helluva lot faster.

The program was created by Olympic Trials qualifier and RunnersConnect head coach Jeff Gaudette. Here’s how it works:

We start by conducting an in-depth video analysis of your current running technique while also teaching you the basics of running biomechanics.

We’ll educate you by using an easy-to-follow, step-by-step process that breaks down each aspect of the gait cycle into easy to understand sections.

Once you’ve had your video analysis and understand the elements of proper form, we’ll assign you very specific drills, strength exercises, and dynamic stretches designed to help your body develop the strength, flexibility and awareness to move through the gait cycle as it was designed.

This structure and progression will address your strengths and weaknesses to develop a biomechanically sound running style adapted to your biological uniqueness.

There’s too much conflicting advice about running form out there. And there are countless articles on foot strike (it’s not that important!), cadence, and arm carriage to make any runner confused.

The Running Form Course is a 6-week, proven solution to help you finally improve your technique and make those positive changes permanent. No BS and no gimmicky “branded” styles of running.

How much faster could you be with more efficient form? Check out the course here.

Running Gift #3: The FitBit Charge

For my birthday this year, my wife bought me a FitBit Charge – a piece of wearable technology that tracks a host of activity metrics:FitBit Charge

  • Daily steps
  • Total number of calories burned (based on activity tracked, plus height, weight, and age)
  • Distance covered (walking)
  • Flights of stairs climbed

It also displays the time, a caller ID, and syncs with a free mobile and web app.

What got me interested in tracking my daily activity is the latest research in exercise habits, activity levels, and sedentary behavior that affect health. As we’re learning, unfortunately running isn’t enough to be as healthy as you can be.

Even if you run 10 miles a day, sitting down for most of the day is likely just as unhealthy as smoking cigarettes! The running doesn’t “cancel” the sitting, just like it wouldn’t cancel the smoking.

So I’m starting to measure and track my daily activity so that I can take steps (I live for puns!) to improve it over the next several months. And of course, what gets measured gets managed.

Soon I’ll be publishing a more comprehensive case study on how I’m using my FitBit Charge to increase my steps, floors climbed, and ultimately lead a more active lifestyle.

Until then, you can join me (I’ll be sharing updates on Twitter) and improve your health even during the holiday season. See all the details on the FitBit Charge here.

What Gifts Are On Your List?

For Christmas this year, out family gift may be a treadmill (we’re nerdy like that) to help get us through the Denver winter when it’s simply too cold, icy, or snowy. So if you want to send me an Alter-G, just let me know 🙂

But I want to know what YOU are coveting this holiday season.

What’s on your shopping list?

What makes the perfect running gift?

Let us know in the comments and we’ll put together an awesome holiday gift list for runners.

And have a very happy Thanksgiving this week too!

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