Your Running Questions, Answered: How to Set a Goal Time, Warm-up Routines, & More…

How do you set a realistic goal time for an upcoming 5k? Is it ok to do your easy runs on a technical trail if you’re training for a marathon?

These questions – and more – are answered in today’s episode of Q&A with Coach.

For those of you new to Strength Running, this web show is where I take YOUR running questions and answer them on video.

Simply tweet them to me on Twitter (my handle is @JasonFitz1) with the hashtag #RunQuestion and I’ll do my best to answer them on the show.

Not on Twitter? No sweat – just email them to me at support at strengthrunning dot com.

Ready? Let’s watch the show:

Notes from today’s show:

  • 00:25 – a big THANK YOU! But here’s why I’m not 100% satisfied…
  • 1:55 – what the hell are we talking about today?
  • 2:23 – what dynamic warm-up can I do when I can get on the snowy ground?
  • 4:03 – what type of training is best for mid-season cross country?
  • 9:00 – can I do my easy runs on technical trails if I’m training for a road marathon?
  • 11:33 – how do I choose a goal time?!
  • 17:10 – my challenge to you…
  • 17:55 – thanks and happy holidays!

How did your running go in 2014?

At the beginning of the year, I declared 2014 to be the “Year of Injury Free Running.”

I challenged you to run more consistently than ever, to stay healthy, and to become more successful, faster runners.

So… how’d you do? I’d love for you to let me know (just leave a comment on this article).

This year saw many big changes at Strength Running headquarters. I released the most comprehensive program yet designed to help you run healthy long-term, aptly called Injury Prevention for Runners.

The results are incredible, with Franzi and hundreds of others seeing dramatic gains in fitness, huge personal bests, and far fewer overuse injuries. Just look at what Mike, Danae, and Sunny have told me:

“If you are having any issues with ITBS, skip the straps, inserts, blaming your shoes, rollers, and please don’t try to run through it.

Leading up to my transformation I couldn’t pull off 3 miles without discomfort but after 4 weeks, I completed a 12 miler with no pain at all, in the shoes that I was told caused it, and with renewed confidence. It’s proven that Jason really knows his stuff – thank you Jason!” – Mike

“The Injury Prevention for Runners program has been everything I needed. As the mom of three young boys it saves my sanity to be able to go on a run because I feel like I am accomplishing something–it’s my ‘me’ time.

Being able to run consistently without injury has been a huge gift. The program is totally worth the price! It has made me a more confident runner knowing the causes of injury and how to now prevent them.” – Danae

Injury_ITBS Testimonial

What’s incredible is that these runners used to be chronically injured! Just like you perhaps, they seemed to be hurt all the time.

But it’s not productive to jump from injury to injury. Being stuck in the “injury cycle,” never able to string together a consistent period of training is a surefire way to stagnate and never improve.

It means so much to be able to help runners who are ready to take action on their training. If you’re struggling, please let me know how I can help. (or sign up here for more injury prevention advice)

A Christmas Thank You

From the bottom of my heart,  thank you for being part of the Strength Running community. I wake up EVERY day so excited to get to work (ask my wife and she’ll tell you I’m obnoxious about how much I love working…).

This holiday season, I want to thank every person who reads my coaching material, subscribes to the SR email list, or has invested in a coaching program. You’re the reason why I love my job.

And 2015 is only going to get better.

In the next four months, there are going to be THREE huge announcements that will change how this site helps you with your running goals. I can’t wait.

If you’re not already on my email list, hop on here and you’ll be the first to know about all new coaching lessons, running programs, and an application I’m working on that will change how you train forever.

Thanks again for being here – and I’m PUMPED to help you next year. Get ready!!

Get Stronger & Run Healthy

Join our free course to help you better prevent injuries, develop runner-specific strength, and avoid the big mistakes that get runners hurt.