Happy New Year! You’re not setting resolutions… are you?

Every January, I get more excited than when brand spankin’ new running shoes get delivered. Yes, I’m a New Year’s nerd.

New Year

But you might be surprised that I don’t set resolutions. The way most people do them is ridiculously ineffective.

Resolving to be better at something (“I’m going to finally get in shape this year!“) with no system, support network, or plan of attack is just an empty promise. It’s hollow. Meaningless.

Instead, I much prefer short bursts of effort focused on process. Here are a few examples:

  • a 4-month marathon cycle with a training plan
  • an 8-week lifting program for better strength
  • 30 days of whole, real foods (no sugar)

The power of this type of thinking is twofold:

First, each goal has a time limitation. It won’t last forever so I only have to maintain my limited willpower for a specified amount of time.

Second, I’m not even focused on the end result! Instead of saying my goals are to run a PR marathon, be able to squat 200 pounds, or lose extra weight I’m focused on the PROCESS of achieving those goals.

It’s the system that will yield the result, not me shallowly saying I’m just going to try real hard to do this thing.

If I relied on willpower alone, I’d never accomplish anything. Right now, I’d be watching reruns of House with a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Left to my own devices, things get ugly (just ask my wife).

That’s why runners with a coach tend to perform better than those who don’t – they have a system in place. As Scott Adams, the creator of the Dilbert comic, once said:

“Losers have goals and winners have systems.”

And a good system won’t fail because it’s been proven. It works – or else it wouldn’t be implemented in the first place.

Soon, I’ll be unveiling an all-new system that can help you propel your running goals. But first, let’s talk about what’s coming this year.

The Year of…

Every year, I set a theme that guides the direction of Strength Running.

2011 was the Year of the PR.

2012 was the Year of Stretch Goals.

2013 was the Year of Consistency.

2014 was the Year of Injury Free Running.

What will 2015 be?

I’ll be announcing that on Monday. For now, I want you to rethink New Year’s Resolutions.

Understand that a lofty goal without a system is bound to fail. It’s that support system that enables success.

How can you reframe your resolutions so you’ll consistently meet your goals, know exactly what to do when obstacles arise (and they WILL come), and have a system in place to ensure your success?

Get ready because 2015 is going to be our best year yet. Starting Monday, we’re kicking things off with a bang.

Make sure you sign up for my email list – I’m releasing email-only material later this month that you’re going to love.

Right now, I want to hear from you. In the comments below, answer this question: What is your New Year’s resolution and what system do you have in place to help you succeed?

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