The Mattock Dynamic Warm-up Routine Video Demonstration

Static stretching is OUT – and dynamic stretching is IN.

Matt Dynamic Warm-up Exercises

Long-time Strength Running readers know that I’m wary of static stretching. It can reduce performance and increase injury risk, while presenting few benefits to runners.

I cover this in much more depth in this injury prevention series.

But if you’re not supposed to stretch before a run, then what should you do?

Simple: a series of dynamic warm-up exercises that prepares the body to run.

And when you think about it, static stretching doesn’t even accomplish what a good series of warm-up exercises should, like:

  • Increased heart rate and respiration (getting the body revved up for your workout)
  • Improved range of motion and lubricated joints
  • More capillary activation (delivering more oxygen to your muscles)
  • Increased elasticity in your tendons and ligaments (this reduces the risk of tears)
  • Enhanced performance

That last point is what excites me: a simple series of warm up exercises can help you run faster? Sign me up!

A study published in 2015 in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research showed that well-trained male runners run faster after a dynamic warm-up.

Perhaps more importantly, after years of anecdotal evidence from thousands of runners who have simply felt better after a dynamic warm-up, I’m a big believer in these types of dynamic warm-up exercises.

So today I’m excited to present a new routine:

The Mattock Dynamic Warm-up Routine

This routine requires no equipment and can be done virtually anywhere.

Since all of the routines in Injury Prevention for Runners are named after medieval weapons, so is this warm-up (a mattock is a type of pickaxe).

The majority of the dynamic warm up exercises are done standing, so if you’re running from a muddy trail head or your car while it’s raining, you can just skip the first few exercises (also see the Q&A below).

Watch the Mattock Dynamic Warm-up here or below:

You can sign up here to download a free photo guide to the routine instead of watching the video over and over again (unless you can’t get enough of my short shorts).

Below are instructions for how to complete the warm up exercises in the routine:

1. Hurdle Mobility: In a table position with your hands under your shoulders and knees under your hips, lift your leg so your thigh is parallel to the ground and your shin is at a 90 degree angle from your thigh. Make a circular motion with your knee like you’re moving your thigh over a hurdle. The next movement is exactly the same, except in the opposite direction. Complete 10 repetitions per leg in both directions.

2. Iron Cross: Lie on your back with your arms out to your sides and swing your right leg across your torso and up to your left hand. Make sure to keep your shoulders flat against the ground, but you can rotate your torso and hips as you swing your leg toward your hand. Repeat the same movement for the left leg. Complete 20 total leg swings (10 per leg).

3. Scorpion: Lie in a prone position with your arms out to your sides and swing your right leg across your back up to your left hand. Keep your shoulders and chest as flat against the ground as possible. Like Iron Cross, there will be a good amount of rotation in your torso and hips as you swing your leg toward your hand. Repeat the same movement for the left leg. Complete 20 total leg swings (10 per leg).

4. Squat: Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart and your toes pointing straight ahead. It’s also ok if your toes are pointing slightly outward. Sit back with your butt like you’re sitting down in a chair until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Drive your heels down and return to the standing position, ensuring your lower back stays in a neutral position. Complete 10 repetitions.

5. Walking Lunge: Step forward with your right leg, flexing the knees and dropping your hips. Descend until your left knee almost touches the ground. Drive your right heel into the ground and push yourself back to a standing position while taking a step forward. Repeat with the opposite leg. Maintain a tall, erect posture and ensure your knee does not go significantly beyond the toes while lunging. Complete 10 repetitions (5 lunges per leg).

6. Walking Leg Swings (Zombie Walk): With your hands straight out in front of you (like a zombie!), swing your right leg up toward your right hand. Keep both knees straight and repeat on the opposite side. Complete 10 repetitions (5 swings per leg).

7. High-knee Skips: Skip forward and drive your right knee up so it’s about parallel to the ground and drive your foot back down to the ground. Alternate each leg. Keep your back tall with an exaggerated arm swing and make sure you don’t slam your feet on the ground. Skip for approximately 10-20 meters.

8. Side Leg Swings: Standing in front of a wall or pole for support, swing your leg parallel to the support so your foot comes up to about hip level. Make sure to keep your swing leg straight but don’t lock your knee. Complete 10 repetitions per leg.

Dynamic Warm-up Exercises Q&A

To get you started right, I answered the most common questions I get about dynamic warm-ups, stretching, and when to do these exercises.

When should I do this routine?

This is a dynamic warm-up so it’s done before you run, ideally immediately before running.

If you are traveling somewhere to run and won’t be able to get on the ground to do the first several warm-up exercises, just do the floor exercises at home and the standing exercises when you arrive right before you start running.

Some of these warm up exercises can be done throughout the day as “movement snacks” to help you stay loose and recover faster.

How many times per week can I do this routine?

This is what I consider an “easy” warm-up routine, so it’s best used before short, easy runs.

For faster workouts, long runs, and other challenging sessions (like races), I suggest the Standard Warm-up Routine.

Is the order of exercises important?

Yes. Sequencing the exercises goes from general to specific (floor to standing) and simple to complex. This helps make the routine more physiologically sound as you’re completing more difficult exercises when you’re better warmed up.

One of the exercises causes pain – what should I do?

Just skip it. None of these exercises should cause discomfort, pain (especially sharp or stabbing pain), or hurt in any way.

Watch the video again and review the PDF instructions to see if you’re performing the warm up exercise with proper form.

Mattock Dynamic Warm-up PDF Download

Unless you LOVE watching this video 23 times before committing it to memory, you can simply get a PDF of all the exercises.

Just sign up here or in the blue box below and within the hour you’ll get a special link to download the warm up exercise descriptions, photos, and instructions.

Enjoy and stay healthy!

Get the Mattock Warm Up Guide

Get the guide for the Mattock Warm Up Routine and you'll also get our best advice to stay healthy and prevent more injuries!