Steve Kamb on How to Make Exercise Easy

Is it possible to make exercise and a healthy lifestyle easy rather than a chore that’s always skipped?

I think it is – and so does my guest on Episode 5 of the Strength Running Podcast: Steve Kamb. You might have seen him grace my Instagram page before:

Yeah… things got awkward fast when a bunch of adults start drinking at a costume party…

You might know Steve as the creator and Rebel Leader of Nerd Fitness, a wildly popular community of desk jockeys and average Joe’s looking to level up their lives.

He’s also author of Level Up Your Life: How to Unlock Adventure and Happiness by Being the Hero of Your Own Story (if you’re into personal development or self-improvement, I can’t recommend this hilarious, insightful, and uplifting book more strongly).

But Steve is way more interesting than the books and businesses he’s created. He’s also a former skinny dude who’s bulked up to look like Captain America.

Today, he can do muscle-ups. He’s spoken at Google and Facebook. And the dramatic transformations he’s enabled are truly remarkable.

The best part? Steve is one of the good guys – someone I’ve had a few adult beverages with and let stay at my house.

I respect him. And I think you will as well after you listen to us chat about health, goal-setting, and how to make exercise easy to do.

Steve Kamb on How to Level Up Your Life

In today’s podcast, we have a bromantic discussion on how to level up – or improve – your habits.

This is where Steve shines. As stated on NF:

Starting RIGHT NOW, you’re going to learn how tiny little changes, done deliberately, will help you live a better, happier, healthier, more fulfilling life. Sure, we’ll cover how to work out without a gym, and how to cook a basic meal, and things like that.

But we’re going to dive deep into fixing your mindset, helping you build habits, and change your life one decision at a time.

Exciting stuff.

And when you think about the traits of successful runners, these topics are exactly what separates those who succeed from those who flounder. They are:

  • Daily habits (magnified over months and years, they add up to enormous progress)
  • Mindset: how do you handle stress? Are you optimistic? How do you tackle adversity?
  • Focus on the fundamentals and forget the fads (no shake-weights on Nerd Fitness!)

Even though Steve is not a runner, he’s a perfect guest to explain how to make running easier to do on a more consistent basis.

Show Links and Resources:

You can also download the episode directly from iTunes or Stitcher.

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Thank you for listening and please let me know if you have any comments, concerns, or questions!

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