How the Best Runners in the World Recover and Prevent Injuries (and a free book)

I’ve always been fascinated (ok, borderline obsessed) with how elite runners train and schedule their running.

After all, if you’re going to learn about running, why not do it from the best runners in the world?

And whenever I get a chance to read about how the elites train, I jump at the opportunity. These books have changed my perspective on running because they offer a glimpse into the world of professional athletes:

So it should be no surprise that combining my two passions – elite training and injury prevention – has me salivating.

Seeing the daily recovery strategies from professional runners is exciting. These are athletes who run up to 120+ miles per week and compete at the highest level of the sport.

For them, staying healthy is a job requirement. Recovery between hard sessions is critical, especially when you’re frequently running twice per day.

And I’m thrilled to announce a new resource to inspire you and give you a few new strategies for staying healthy.

The Little Black Book of Prevention & Recovery

Over the last few months, I’ve been working with a blockbuster group of professional runners to bring you their most tested and proven recovery ideas.

If you’ve ever been curious how elite runners handle all that running without getting hurt every day, this book is for you.

If you wonder what recovery options a pro prioritizes, you won’t want to miss this book.

And the best part? It’s completely free!

Download the ebook here.

Elite Runners on Injury Prevention

You’ll hear from:

  • Dathan Ritzenhein – 3x Olympian, 3x National Cross Country Champion
  • Amelia Boone – 3x World’s Toughest Mudder Champion
  • David Roche – 2x National Trail Running Champion
  • Kelly O’Mara – professional triathlete
  • Ian Sharman – 3x winner of the Leadville Trail 100
  • Devon Yanko – 100k National Champion and 2012 Olympic Trials Marathon Qualifier
  • Joseph Gray – Mount Washington American Record holder and World Mountain Running Champion
  • Andy Wacker – Trail Half Marathon National Champion
  • Max King – US National Ultra Running Champion and 2x winner World Warrior Dash Champion

Each of these world-class athletes shared their favorite recovery or injury prevention strategy – and the responses are incredibly varied.

You’ll hear about post-race recovery, why you should eat a LOT, how to return to running after an injury (and what mistakes to avoid), and the virtues of eliminating busyness from your life.

There’s a lot more than I can include in this post, so get your copy today.

I want you to have every advantage possible in your training – and there’s no better way than learning from the best.

But I have one favor to ask: please apply at least one principle to your own running. Instead of passively consuming this info, do something with it instead!

Only by applying new concepts and training ideas will you reap the rewards.

Using this book you can try a new post-run recovery technique.

Or change how you approach the other 23 hours of the day when you’re not running.

Or even update how you behave at the office (see Amelia Boone’s thoughts on being a runner while working full-time).

Get the book here.

One last thing: it would mean the world to me if you shared this article on Facebook. This book is free and took a lot of time and resources to make for you – I hope you enjoy it!

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