Running Rogue with Coach Chris McClung

I’ve long said that knowledge is a competitive advantage. Wiser runners make fewer training errors – and reap the benefits.

Running Smart

Education is paramount to success in any endeavor. Running is no different.

I started my own running education by being curious. I was constantly asking my coaches questions when I first started getting interested in training theory, exercise science, and the mechanics behind running:

  • Why are we doing this workout?
  • Why this week and not next week?
  • What is the purpose of a tempo run?
  • Is this the only way we can taper?
  • What is the reason for structuring this track session the way you did?

Needless to say, my coaches were sometimes annoyed by my endless questioning.

Soon, I got somewhat obsessed with reading everything I could about running. You’ve probably noticed the shelves and shelves of books in the background of my office in some of our YouTube videos.

Layer in my USATF coaching certification and experience working with thousands of runners for nearly a decade, and that’s my education on running.

Learning from the best coaches and exercise journalists in the business is extraordinarily valuable. And I still do it through the Strength Running Podcast!

Today I’m excited to introduce you to another coach who values education and learning: Chris McClung.

Chris McClung from Rogue Running on Coaching

Rogue Running Chris McClung

Coach Chris McClung from the Rogue Running group in Austin

Today’s podcast episode features one of the lead coaches for Rogue Running, a massive running group in Austin, Texas.

After discovering the Running Rogue podcast and learning more about the group, I instantly recognized Chris as a thoughtful coach who truly “gets” training (he’s not going to tell you to run less, run faster…).

In this conversation, we focus on three key areas:

  • How he learned to be a great coach
  • The training theory and principles that influence his coaching
  • The role of community and how that impacts your performance

This episode is an excerpt from Team Strength Running, our group coaching program that connects you to me as your coach, a team of your peers, and a new monthly expert interview.

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Thank You Inside Tracker

This episode of the podcast is made possible by Inside Tracker – and they’ve generously offered 10% off any test with discount code strengthrunning (not case sensitive).

Inside Tracker is a health analytics company that tests for over 40 major blood biomarkers and based on your physiology, offer custom solutions to help you optimize any areas that are outside of the normal zones.

So if you’re training for a difficult race, want to ramp up your recovery, or are just a passionate running geek like me who’s always searching for more ways to improve, this is a great option for seeing (and fixing) any areas of deficiency.

Get 10% off any test at with code strengthrunning at checkout.

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