How to Make a Running Comeback at Age 40

When I was a kid, I remember attending “Over the Hill” parties for my uncles when they reached age 40. Well, times have changed!

Over the Hill Latex Balloon

These days, 40 is the new 30. So many athletes are embracing longevity, making wiser training decisions, hiring a running coach, and extending their competitive years far into their 40’s and beyond.

And why not?!

We now know better ways to train, recover, fuel, and race. We don’t just hammer big mileage weeks anymore (though, they’re important). Recovery is better understood and valued just as much as training itself.

Fueling has also dramatically changed. We are far from the damaging era of “lighter is faster” that I grew up in during the early 2000’s (thank God). Finally, we are embracing carbohydrates and eating enough.

Our knowledge has expanded, making athletic success at any age far easier. As I always like to say, “knowledge is a competitive advantage.”

And today, I wan to highlight the journey of a client who’s making a running comeback at age 40.

New Coaching Call: A Running Comeback at 40

We’ve all seen the polished success stories. The triumphant comebacks, the overnight sensations, the seemingly effortless ascents to the top. But what about the messy middle? What about the real work, the struggles, and the breakthroughs that pave the way for transformation?

That’s precisely what you’ll find in the latest Strength Running podcast episode. This isn’t your typical motivational pep talk or a curated highlight reel of success. Instead, it’s a candid, unedited glimpse into a real coaching session, offering a rare window into the process of personal growth.

The specific episode focuses on a client named Melanie navigating a significant life transition at 40. This is a crucial age where many people find themselves reassessing their priorities, career paths, and personal goals.

After setting her half marathon PR in her 20’s, Melanie now wants to set a new PR at age 40.

The conversation explores:

  • her past training
  • injury history
  • what she’s doing now to get back into the swing of training
  • specific training adjustments that will help her improve
  • how she should structure the rest of 2025

Melanie is a member of Team Strength Running, letting her get affordable coaching, a library of training plans, ongoing guidance, and a peer network to stay motivated. You can learn more and join us here!

Subscribe to the podcast in Apple PodcastsSpotifyStitcher, or iHeartRadio.

Thank you 2Before!

We are supported by 2Before, a powerful sports supplement made from New Zealand Blackcurrants designed to increase endurance, manage inflammation, support immunity, and promote adaptation. 2Before helps to boost performance by increasing blood flow, making it more efficient for the body to pump oxygenated nutrient-rich blood into the muscles.

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Thank you to 2Before for supporting Strength Running!

Thank you Previnex!

After resisting most supplements for the better part of my life, I’m cautiously changing my tune. I’m now a Masters runner and in my personal life, I’m optimizing for longevity. I want to be my healthiest self for as long as possible and I’m excited to partner with Previnex to make that happen.

Previnex uses the most bioavailable, clinically tested ingredients, the optimal form and dose of each ingredient, pharmaceutical grade manufacturing, testing of raw ingredients and finished products. For every purchase you make, they also donate vitamins to kids in need.

Their new Muscle Health Plus is something I’m now taking. Turning 40 – and having a thin frame – has made me realize that I need to prioritize lean muscle mass to stay healthy and age well. Muscle Health Plus has creatine, essential and branched chain amino acids, and it’s designed in a way to maximize protein synthesis and the absorption of amino acids.

Muscle Health Plus will help you prevent muscle damage, which is particularly important for aging runners who want to protect themselves from muscle loss and recover faster after hard workouts. As is true for all of their products, Previnex adheres to the highest of standards: their ingredients are clinically proven to do what they say they’re going to do.

They’re now offering international shipping so if you live in the UK, Canada, Australia, or anywhere around the world, you can try Previnex as well.

Previnex offers a 30-day money back guarantee. If you don’t feel the benefits of their product, you get your money back no questions asked. With their focus on quality and customer satisfaction, I hope you’ll try it!

Use code jason15 for 15% off your first order at Previnex!

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