- Posted
- BY Jason Fitzgerald
There’s so much good stuff happening today that I feel like a coach cheering his head off during the final lap of a race. I’m just so excited!
I have a lot of announcements (this will be like a …
…There’s so much good stuff happening today that I feel like a coach cheering his head off during the final lap of a race. I’m just so excited!
I have a lot of announcements (this will be like a …
…When I recently asked which type of runner you were on Facebook, most identified with the gear junkie:
But running gear isn’t something I discuss much at Strength Running because I think you can train effectively without any …
…In 2004, my wife Meaghan was having a terrible cross country season. No matter what she tried, her running performances kept getting worse.
Workout splits got slower. She felt exhausted, stressed, and couldn’t sleep. The muscle aches she thought …
…Runners enjoy certain perks that non-runners will never experience. In an hour, we can explore a national park or city that would take days to see if we weren’t running.
The process of exploration is much faster; it’s even …
…As a coach, I’m most nervous during the return to running after a marathon phase of training. Aerobic fitness remains high but the body is still reeling from the aftermath of racing 26.2 miles.
The injury risk is significantly …
…Have you ever done a piss poor warm-up before a race… and then felt terrible a few minutes after the gun fired?
I’m not surprised.
Without a proper warm-up, your heart rate will be too low when you start …
…Last weekend I turned 31 years old. Or as my sister commented:
“Jason!!! I can’t believe how old you are. It’s gross.”
Thanks, sis.
It was a fun weekend of running (18 mile long run at altitude!), eating (I …
…Since 1994, the Philadelphia Marathon has become one of the best marathons in the United States.
And here, you’ll find Strength Running’s Philadelphia Marathon Course Guide to help you have the best race possible.
Philly puts on a great …
…In a world hyper focused on specialization, it’s rare to meet a modern Renaissance Man. But today, prepare yourself for an exclusive interview with Max King.
Max King has been dominating the running world for years. Listing his …
…Welcome to the second episode of Q&A with Coach!
I’m absolutely loving this show – and I hope you’re finding value in getting your questions answered and hearing other runner’s questions as well. Learning from others (just like in …
…Want to run faster with fewer injuries?
Join tens of thousands of runners like you and get our free running course. You’ll get the inside scoop on how to stay healthy, set monster personal bests, and how to choose the right marathon or half marathon training plan. Sign up on now and running coach Jason Fitzgerald will be in touch!
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