- Posted
- BY Jason Fitzgerald
Running captured my heart in 1998 – and it still holds it firmly in its grasp more than 16 years later.
As my running career matured, my thoughts on how to run faster, prevent overuse injuries, and truly enjoy …
…Running captured my heart in 1998 – and it still holds it firmly in its grasp more than 16 years later.
As my running career matured, my thoughts on how to run faster, prevent overuse injuries, and truly enjoy …
…In 2004, my wife Meaghan was having a terrible cross country season. No matter what she tried, her running performances kept getting worse.
Workout splits got slower. She felt exhausted, stressed, and couldn’t sleep. The muscle aches she thought …
…As a coach, I’m most nervous during the return to running after a marathon phase of training. Aerobic fitness remains high but the body is still reeling from the aftermath of racing 26.2 miles.
The injury risk is significantly …
…Do you love a good massage? You should: the benefits of massage for runners may help you attain your next personal best.
Study the training of professional runners and you’ll notice that they have an entire team helping them …
…The latest evolution of the running shoe industry is what many are calling maximalism.
I’m undecided if I actually like the term “maximalist” but I’ll use it because most runners understand the type of shoe the term implies.
These …
…In 2012, I nearly convinced a friend to run a 6 day, 120 mile trail race in the Rocky Mountains that reaches an altitude of over 12,500 feet.
That race is the Transrockies Run, a mostly singletrack …
…Of the dozens of questions I get every week, the most common is How do I return to running after an injury?
Because injuries are (unfortunately) so abundant – and as runners we love to run – I’m not …
…For the last five years, I haven’t had a serious running injury.
Until recently – when I injured my Achilles tendon by making a slew of poor training decisions…
This was a real injury. Not just the very beginning…
…There’s something I haven’t told you: treating my IT band syndrome didn’t just revolve around the ITB Rehab Routine.
Effective IT band syndrome treatment is much more involved than doing a 10 minute strength routine a few times …
…Want to run faster with fewer injuries?
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