Happy Birthday Strength Running! I have gifts for you…

In just a few days, Strength Running will turn four years old. What started as a little running blog that nobody read has grown into one of the largest running blogs on the web.

It’s crazy to think that I’ve been featured in Runner’s World multiple times and am frequently tapped to contribute my coaching advice to publications like Competitor, Lifehacker, and Active.

Just last weekend I was a featured expert at the DC Fit conference, helping runners hone their training for the half marathon.

But none of this would have been possible without you.

Finish Line

Everything I do here has one purpose: to help you become a better runner. My job is to help you succeed and run a new personal best, make running a more consistent habit in your life, and stay healthy by getting far fewer running injuries.

As SR has grown, it’s been my privilege to help an even larger group of runners through the blog and my coaching programs.

The main reason that Strength Running has grown so rapidly among the sea of other coaching sites is because of your success. The progress that SR runners experience is unmatched.

Just read through the growing collection of transformative success stories.

Or see the eye-opening messages from runners who have accomplished more than they ever thought possible.

I love what I do because of you. It’s your success. Your progress. Your personal bests. Your healthy training. Nothing makes me happier. And as we continue to run toward our goals, I’ll keep building SR into your go-to resource for smarter, healthier running.

So today I want to celebrate Strength Running’s birthday, give this special community of runners a big high-five, and give out some birthday gifts.

Yes, I know you don’t give gifts on your own birthday, but it’s my site and I’ll do what I want 🙂

Birthday Gift #1: My First Book Sale!

There are two gifts I want to give you today. As many of you know, two years ago I published 101 Simple Ways to be a Better Runner: A Short Guide to Running Faster, Preventing Injuries, and Feeling Great

Yeah, short guide… long title…

It’s available for the Kindle – but you can also download it as a PDF if you don’t have a Kindle.

It’s purposefully priced at a ridiculously low $2.99 because I want as many runners as possible to benefit from the lessons inside – what I’ve learned from being a competitive runner since 1998, having over 10 coaches, and coaching thousands of runners.

When it was first published, it rocketed to the Top 50 Kindle Sports category on Amazon. And today, for the first time ever, I’m having a birthday celebration sale and cutting the price to just $.99.

For less than a buck you can read the lessons I learned the hard way as a college athlete, 2:39 marathoner, and coach to thousands of runners like you through SR. The book boasts a 4.6 rating out of 5 stars so I know you’ll love it.

Here’s what a few runners had to say about it:

“Crisply written, doused with humor, and packed with helpful information. Each tip takes only a couple of minutes to read, so it’s the prefect thing for when you have only a few moments to spare–on the train to work, during half-time of your kid’s soccer game, or in the check-out lane at the grocery store.

The best part of the book, however, is that the information is PRACTICAL–you can apply it every day, including the days you don’t run.” – Andy

“With so much info out there it was nice to read tips on running that I thought I could actually apply to my own training as an average runner instead of reading about what super humans do to be super human runners. Definitely a book to keep for quick reference along side my training journal.” – Miley

“Very good book! Fast and easy to read. Newbies, intermediate or advanced runners will love it! Good tips on a lot of subjects.” – Elyse

You can check it out on Amazon here.

If you don’t have a Kindle, no worries! Download it instantly as a PDF here.

Birthday Gift #2: A Month of Free Coaching

I’m feeling particularly generous today so I’m doing something I’ve only done once before: give away free 1-on-1 personal coaching to one lucky runner.

I want to help one of you run smarter, get closer to your goals, or resolve a chronic injury that’s been plaguing you for too long.

You’ll get a training plan custom built to your fitness level, goals, schedule, injury profile, and background. And for the first month I’ll be available to you with unlimited communication. Some coaches set limits on the number of emails you can send – not me. 

Let’s talk about how we can get you closer to your goals. Let’s strategize and plan to transform your running. I can’t wait.

If you’re interested, leave a comment on this post by Friday, 4/11 at midnight Eastern. Tell me one thing: how has Strength Running helped your running? The more specific the better – show me how you stayed healthy, ran a big PR, or qualified for an important race using something you’ve learned from SR.

This weekend I’ll pick the winner and start coaching you personally for the next month.

Again… Thank You

When I went full-time with Strength Running nearly two years ago, I never thought I was quitting my job to “work on a website.” Instead, I was dedicating myself to a group of runners who knew there was a better way to run.

Now, 20 months later, my excitement for the SR community continues to grow every day. Every time one of you shares an article on Twitter or Facebook, emails me about another personal best, or tells me that one of my programs has helped you finally stay healthy it really does make my day.

Like I said earlier, any success SR or I have had is a direct result of YOUR success. I hope you continue to train well, race smart, and stay injury-free.

Together, we can accomplish more than we ever thought possible.

If you’re new here, I invite you to join the Strength Running community by signing up here or in the box below. I share much more with my email readers and I hope that I can help you, too.

Run Strong!

– Jason.

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