CNN’s Tom Foreman on Running for a Lifetime

Once you build the running habit, you’ll be a runner for life. But how does running change after a few decades?

running lifetime

When I started running in 1998, I had no idea that joining my high school cross country team was arguably the most important decision of my life.

Running led me to attend Connecticut College… which led me to meeting my wife.

And it clearly led to my dream job: helping runners set big PR’s while staying healthy and strong.

Without running, I never would have embarked on this journey.

But now that I’m older and married with kids, my perspectives on running have changed.

It’s like Nick Symmonds said recently,

I love running more today than I ever have in my entire life, and I hate training more than I have in my entire life.

Those two things are very different. Running is going out for a run. You can run ten minutes, you can run two hours, you’re meeting up with friends. You’re running at whatever pace you feel like for however long you feel like. It’s enjoyable, it’s meditative, it’s cathartic.

Training is making sacrifices. It’s being away from home, it’s doing whatever’s on your daily schedule. It’s just not fun.

It’s funny how things work out.

I used to be obsessed with mileage and PR’s; now I’m focused on enjoying myself and using running to live a better life.

While my priorities have changed, I still love running with an intense passion that I doubt will ever fade.

How Running Changes as You Get Older

Tom Foreman

I invited Tom Foreman on the podcast to philosophize about running, goals, and racing throughout life.

You might recognize Tom as an emmy-award winning journalist at CNN. He’s reported on wars, natural disasters, and political skirmishes across 20 countries.

He’s also quite the runner.

Author of My Year of Running DangerouslyTom has a handful of marathons and ultramarathons under his belt and is chasing a BQ soon at the Cincinnati Marathon.

More than anything, Tom has a unique perspective on what running means at various stages of life.

Speaking with Tom is always a treat so I hope you enjoy this conversation. I think it will bring you new appreciation for running!

Download on iTunes or Stitcher.

If you enjoy this episode, an honest review on iTunes would be wonderful. There’s no better way to let me know you appreciate the show!

A big thanks to Tom for spending time with us on the podcast.

And if you haven’t read it, his book is a meditative stroll through the wonderful joy that is running.

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