How to Plan Your Weekly Mileage

How should 30 miles per week be broken down into daily runs? What if you’re running 100 miles per week?!

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No matter how much you’re running per week, there’s a smart (and not so smart…) way of structuring that mileage.

Since 2011, I’ve written over 1,200 training plans. Part of that process is reading through each athletes’ prior training – and sometimes, it’s not pretty.

I’ve seen it all. Runners who…

  • jump from 20 miles to 50 in a single week
  • run all of their mileage in just two runs – on back to back days
  • complete the same distance every time they go running

These runners are doing it the hard way, sacrificing progress and skyrocketing their risk of a running injury.

And I refuse to let that happen to MY runners.

A few weeks ago, Team Strength Running member Richard asked the group:

How should weekly miles be broken down? So for instance, if someone is running 30, 70, 100 miles a week, how should it best be broken down into days?

The answer to this question is in our new mileage video below – don’t miss it.

More important than the mileage templates are the principles behind them. After watching, you’ll know:

  • How to schedule rest days in your week
  • How to break up a big mileage number (“40”) into daily totals
  • Why you should run a decent amount the day after a long run
  • If you’re ready to add double sessions (two runs in one day)
  • What a 100-mile week looks like!

Even if you’re someone who likes to follow a plan written by someone else, it’s always a smart idea to know why a plan looks the way it does.

Behold the wonder of freeze-frames

If you found this video helpful, share this post with your running friends!

Don’t miss these resources about planning your mileage:

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