Yoga for Runners with Yogi Sage Rountree

Long gone are the days when yoga was practiced only by the fringe. Now, it’s used by the best athletes around the world to improve their performances.

Yoga for Runners

But is yoga for runners a different experience than yoga for everyone else? I have so many questions!

  • How is yoga scheduled for endurance runners?
  • What can we expect from a regular yoga practice?
  • Are there any risks?
  • Should the same yoga be done in-season vs. out-of-season?

I’m also personally cautious toward yoga because it’s very different than running. I like to test myself and push hard – things I never associated with yoga.

But I overcame that hesitation years ago thanks to a friend dragging me to many Bikram Yoga classes. It was fun, (somewhat) restorative, and I liked how it made me feel.

With some runners hesitant to brave the yoga studio – and the benefits unclear – I wanted to get a leading expert on the podcast to discuss yoga for runners.

Please say hi to Sage Rountree.

Sage isn’t just an internationally recognized yoga expert with the highest level of training possible. She hasn’t just worked with Olympians, NBA and NFL players, and collegiate athletes.

She’s also a running and triathlon coach and the author of eight books, including:

With a PhD in English Literature, race experience from 400m to the ultramarathon, and experience teaching yoga at venues ranging from the local Turkey Trot to the Pentagon, Sage has a breadth of experience unlike most other fitness experts.

She’s also the owner of the Carolina Yoga Company, the Hillsborough Spa and Day Retreat; and the Carolina Massage Institute.

And she’s on the podcast to talk about the many benefits of yoga for runners.

Yoga for Runners: All You Need to Know

Sage Rountree

Sage Rountree. Photo by Seth K. Hughes

In this episode, Sage and I are discussing everything you’d like to know about practicing yoga as a runner:

  • What physical skills will a yoga practice develop?
  • For the average runner, how much yoga is enough?
  • When is the ideal time to do yoga?
  • What styles of yoga are most appropriate for endurance runners?
  • Can yoga be periodized, like running or strength training?

The benefits of yoga can be profound, from more strength to improved mobility and overall athleticism. If you’re still hesitant about yoga for runners, you can get similar benefits if you combine:

  1. Effective mobility training
  2. Core workouts
  3. Foam rolling to improve range of motion

We also discuss the psychological side of yoga and how a consistent practice can develop mental fitness as a form of “brain training.”

Subscribe to the Strength Running Podcast on Apple Music or on Stitcher.

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A big thank you to Sage for being on the podcast. I hope this conversation helps you rethink yoga and commit to becoming a more athletic runner!

Thanks SteadyMD

This episode is supported by SteadyMD, a virtual doctor that’s just for runners.

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Started by sub-3 marathoner Dr. Josh Emdur,the goal of SteadyMD is to give you a personal doctor, online, that’s just for runners to help you stay fit, healthy, injury-free, and competitive.

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For athletes who need true preventative care tailored to your medical needs and lifestyle, visit SteadyMD to check out all of the details.

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