Entrepreneur Sam Parr on the Longevity Lifestyle: Running, Weightlifting, and Living to 130

Want to know how to juggle being an entrepreneur and athlete, all while optimizing your life for health and longevity? This week’s guest is on a mission to get the most out of everything he does by using constantly evolving goals in work and fitness.

As runners, we often find that the benefits of sport bleed into other areas of our lives. Running for health and PRs may be a means to an end, but the commitment and perseverance that we discover within ourselves can also make us better personally and professionally.

Continuous improvement is addictive, and one of the reasons that running is so rewarding. You get out of it what you put into it! Goal setting is the first step toward improvement, whether you’re training for a race or starting a new business. Setting short and long term goals (and then achieving them) is both satisfying and motivating.

This week’s guest on the podcast epitomizes that constant search for self improvement by way of goal setting in all aspects of his life. As an entrepreneur and investor he may be a unique type of guest for this podcast, but Sam Parr’s ongoing quest for fitness and longevity is intriguing and inspiring.  

Sam Parr on Running, Longevity, and Goal Setting

Watch our conversation on YouTube!

Sam Parr founded The Hustle in 2014, a business newsletter that he grew to over 3 million readers (and 8 figures in revenue) before selling it to Hub Spot. His most recent company, Hampton, is a membership community for entrepreneurs, founders and CEOs. Sam also hosts the incredibly popular business podcast called My First Million.

In high school and college, Sam ran competitively at a variety of distances, and has completed several half ironman triathlons. While running is no longer his primary focus, he sets quarterly fitness goals that have pushed him to some pretty incredible accomplishments. Last year he completed the same tests as the NFL combine, scoring as well as an average wide receiver. 

Sam and I discuss how he balances his work with his fitness and longevity aspirations, and how he tracks just about every area of his life to keep improving. Our discussion covers a lot of ground, including:

  • Sam’s background in running and how it has evolved
  • His love for the simplicity and suffering of individual sports
  • How Sam’s wife helped turn his focus toward wellness and nutrition
  • Why he uses a coach for so many different aspects of his life
  • How Sam uses goal setting to hit remarkable achievements
  • What he does on a daily basis to promote his health
  • Challenges Sam is contemplating for 2024

If you’re looking for inspiration in the new year, Sam’s story is incredibly motivating. Enjoy!

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Links & Resources from the Show:

  • Listen to Sam’s podcast, My First Million
  • Learn more about Sam’s company for founders and CEOs: Hampton
  • Follow Sam on Instagram and Twitter 
  • Check out Sam’s original business newsletter, The Hustle
  • Strength training is essential for success. Learn how to do it right here.

Thank you Inside Tracker!

InsideTracker is the blood testing company that helps you prioritize your healthspan and longevity by evaluating your bloodwork, DNA, and lifestyle. 

Just one test gives you your very own personalized health dashboard, showing you over 40 biomarkers. More importantly, InsideTracker explains which ones fall outside of your custom normal range and provides advice and recommendations on how to move them into the correct range. 

Using InsideTracker is like having your very own personal wellness consultant that tells you what’s wrong and how to fix it. Sam uses them to improve his own health and mentions them in this week’s episode. Go to InsideTracker to save 20% today on any of their tests, and start being the healthiest version of yourself!

Thank You Previnex!

After resisting most supplements for the better part of my life, I’m cautiously changing my tune. I’m now a Masters runner and in my personal life, I’m optimizing for longevity. I want to be my healthiest self for as long as possible and I’m excited to partner with Previnex to make that happen.

Previnex uses the most bioavailable, clinically tested ingredients, the optimal form and dose of each ingredient, pharmaceutical grade manufacturing, testing of raw ingredients and finished products. For every purchase you make, they also donate vitamins to kids in need.

Their new Muscle Health Plus is something I’m now taking. Turning 40 – and having a thin frame – has made me realize that I need to prioritize lean muscle mass to stay healthy and age well. Muscle Health Plus has creatine, essential and branched chain amino acids, and it’s designed in a way to maximize protein synthesis and the absorption of amino acids.

With clinically proven ingredients, I hope you’ll try it. Use code jason15 for 15% off your order at Previnex!

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