The Endurance Episode: Zach Bitter on How to Push the Boundaries of Endurance

Do you want to have a monster aerobic engine? No matter what your level of experience, lessons from Zach Bitter will help you build volume safely and implement intensity to get the most from your training miles.

For runners of just about every distance, endurance is the foundation of training.  Endurance training lays the groundwork for harder and faster efforts to ensure your body can handle them with less risk of injury. 

Building a massive aerobic engine starts with consistent mileage at a comfortable pace, and “zone 2” training is commonly referenced as the building block to improved endurance. In a five zone model, zone 2 represents a relaxed, conversational effort level that runners can sustain for hours of training.  

While harder workouts and a variety of training paces will help you get faster, they can lead you down a path to injury if your body is unprepared for the effort. Even the most experienced runners benefit from spending the majority of their training time in low intensity zones (commonly 80-85% of training!), with carefully planned blocks of integrated intensity.

If you’re looking to learn from runners who maximize their zone 2 training, elite ultrarunners set an excellent example. Sometimes running well over 100 miles per week, these runners use a high volume of easy training to build a monster aerobic engine and prepare their bodies for long and grueling races.

Zach Bitter on pushing the boundaries of endurance training

My guest on today’s episode is likely a familiar name. He was formerly the 100-mile world record holder, and is currently the American record holder in the 100-mile and 12-hour events. Zach Bitter has had an illustrious ultrarunning career and is a four time national champion at the 50-mile, 100k and 100-mile distances between 2012 and 2021.

Zach has won some of the country’s most competitive ultra races and competed on Team USA’s 100k world team on three occasions. He is also a coach and host of the popular podcast, Human Performance Outliers. Zach’s experience as both a runner and a coach have made him an incredible resource on all aspects of endurance training.  Our conversation today focuses on:

  • Zach’s journey to 100+ mile weeks
  • The process of learning to truly race a 100 miler
  • How Zach maximizes his benefits from zone 2 running
  • Understanding how and when to train in zone 3
  • The holy grail of distance running: how to run faster at a lower heart rate
  • Zach’s preparation heading into a fast 100 miler
  • How Zach uses cross-training in various ways through the training cycle
  • Advice for new and lower mileage runners to take their training to the next level

No matter what distance you’re training for or where you are at in your running journey, my discussion with Zach will help you build your own massive endurance engine!

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Thank you Previnex!

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Thank you CXP SPORT!

Our newest sponsor is CXP Sport. They make the world’s most advanced underwear, engineered specifically for optimal sports performance with their patented pressure regulation technology.

CXP Sport collaborated with ultra runner Zach Miller to create an amazing product. It has no-chafe, bonded seams, 4-way stretch sweat wicking fabric, and temperature regulating features that keep you cool when you start to get hot.

For me, CXP’s performance underwear is snug, fits well, and most importantly, I just don’t think about them when I go running. They’re that comfortable. For endurance runners who have to run for a long time, the goal is to have gear so good that it works without any problems!

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