- Posted
- BY Jason Fitzgerald
A few years ago, I went down the injury rabbit hole:
- Bought and devoured over 10 running books in less than two months (my recommendations)
- Attended a “Yoga for Injury Prevention” class (waste of time)
- Surveyed tens
A few years ago, I went down the injury rabbit hole:
Injuries are the worst. They sap your motivation and force you to sit on the sidelines, watching your hard-earned fitness go down the drain.
If you’re anything like me, you’ve had your share of running injuries that put …
…Over the years, I’ve surveyed tens of thousands of runners. And it’s not surprising that the #1 goal is to always run injury-free.
That’s because injuries are direct obstacles to you achieving your goals. In every way, they …
…Running injuries: the bane of every runner anywhere. They’re worse than dreadmills or the dreaded “DNF” next to your name in race results.
Outdoor filming of Q&A with Coach. More at instagram.com/JasonFitz1
Have you ever said something like this?…
…When you were a kid, you probably did sit-ups for an ab workout. But is the sit-up the best ab exercise?
That’s actually a simple question: the answer is no way! There are far better ab exercises than a …
…There are always plenty of questions surrounding the topic of strength training for runners:
How often should runners do strength work?
Should lifting sessions be scheduled on hard, easy, or rest days?
What are the best exercises?
Are …
…Stress: it conjures images of uncooperative toddlers, looming deadlines at work, and arguments with your spouse. But is stress actually a bad thing?
The answer (of course) is two-sided. Some stress can help you achieve more, accomplish difficult …
…Has it really been more than two months since the last episode of Q&A with Coach? It’s time to get back into it!
Today we’re talking all about strength – specifically, how to strengthen your hip flexors and glutes.…
…The top mistake I see runners make is not fixing an easily fixable problem. It makes intuitive sense, right?
But I hear some variation of this almost every day:
……It’s now been 3+ months (and two months of PT)
Last year I spoke at a conference in Washington, DC about how to train for the half marathon.
And I probably offended one of the other panelists…
Let me tell you why:
After the presentation, we were answering questions …
…Want to run faster with fewer injuries?
Join tens of thousands of runners like you and get our free running course. You’ll get the inside scoop on how to stay healthy, set monster personal bests, and how to choose the right marathon or half marathon training plan. Sign up on now and running coach Jason Fitzgerald will be in touch!
Strength running is reader supported!