Running Form Best Practices and Gait Analysis with Dr. Anh Bui, DPT, CSCS

The ins and outs of running form can confuse even the most experienced runners.  When it comes to running technique, focusing on optimization instead of drastic change will help you get the most from your training.

Running form and gait analysis have become hot topics in recent years.  With advances in technology and runners looking to improve themselves in innovative ways, they provide an opportunity for runners to work on the foundation of their favorite sport.

In addition to useful guidance, there is also a great deal of confusion and misinformation about an idealized form, and the “perfect” cadence or footstrike. Every runner is unique, and while each of us can optimize the way we run, there is no single technique that works for everyone. 

Dr. Anh Bui on Running Technique

This week’s guest on the podcast will help you understand what to prioritize when it comes to running form. Dr. Anh Bui is both a runner and an expert on running form and gait analysis. She competed in cross country and track at UC San Diego, but unfortunately suffered from frequent injuries in college and beyond. Anh’s interest in physiology and biomechanics, in addition to helping injured runners, led her to become a physical therapist.

Anh completed her Doctor of Physical Therapy at Columbia University in NYC. She also furthered her education with a focus on advanced orthopedics, women’s health, and management of the running athlete. In her work at Columbia’s RunLab Clinic, Anh performed gait evaluations and provided individualized plans to high level runners.

As a physical therapist, a certified strength coach, a USATF certified running coach (and a competitive runner!), Anh Bui is able to provide a variety of tools to help runners get healthy and remain injury free.

Anh and I tackle a variety of topics surrounding gait and running technique, and dispel some common myths about an “ideal” form for runners. (Hint: it doesn’t exist!) Some of the subjects we discuss in depth include:

  • Guiding principles when it comes to form
  • The best way to think about cadence
  • How and when to apply a forward lean technique 
  • Is a midfoot strike optimal for all runners?
  • Who can benefit from gait analysis?

You’re bound to learn some new and useful advice on running form and gait in my discussion with Anh!

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Links & Resources from the Show:

Thank You InsideTracker!


This episode is brought to you by InsideTracker, one of the most reputable blood testing companies in the world. They were founded in 2009 by aging, genetics, and biometrics scientists to help you analyze your body’s data and get a firm idea of how well you’re responding to training.

Understanding your body’s biomarkers, from stress hormones to testosterone to Vitamin D, can help you figure out if you’re over-training, under-training, optimally training, or if you have a health issue that might be affecting your running. But the best part is that they give you personalized optimal ranges for each of these biomarkers and a host of ways to improve these markers through diet, lifestyle, or exercise changes.

I’ve personally gotten three Ultimate tests from them and the process is simple, easy, and very eye-opening if you haven’t done a deep dive on your biomarkers yet.  Of all the investments you can make in your running, this one is like getting a detailed checkup or regularly scheduled maintenance for your internal physiology. 

If you’re ready to take control of your health and optimize your training, get 25% off any of their blood tests with code STRENGTHRUNNING at InsideTracker.

Thank you to our sponsor, the Spartan Race Series!

You’ve probably heard of Spartan Races – but you probably don’t know that they offer such a wide variety of types of races. From short to long-distance obstacle courses – and even ultra distances, to trail races, stadium races, and even city races in major metropolitan areas. 

What I love about obstacle course races is that they are a great diagnostic tool to help you pinpoint what area of your fitness is lacking. Do you have a general aerobic deficiency? Do you struggle with upper body strength? Can you handle the stop and start nature of OCR’s? Do you have the mobility to perform the obstacles? 

Signing up for a race that challenges you in a different way can help you find out more about yourself as an athlete. Ever since I tried my first obstacle course race in 2012, I’ve loved these events. They are demanding and require you to be a well-rounded athlete, something that I wholeheartedly endorse here on this podcast. Go to to find a local race near you. If you’re in Colorado, I hope to see you on June 12th at the Colorado Springs Spartan Race.

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